A few weeks ago I installed Windows 7 RC. I am very found of it and would like to keep using it. I work as a system administrator and manage a Windows 2003 domain.

Most software I use is installed. Remote Server Administration Tool (RSAT) For Windows 7 lets me manage my domain. Only the Group Policy Management Console part is a problem. Until now I was not able to find the GPMC software for Windows 7.

Is anyone able to help me?

Many thanks in advance.

I think you have to download it seperately (I know for vista it wasnt included by default (I think only in SP1, and even then, only in Business and Ultimate), although it was in server 2008, so it obviously is possible to have it.

I also believe you need to download it separately. It has been like that with previous versions. I have tried to download some GPMC's but they were not supported by Windows 7.

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