is windows internet explorer 8 suitable for windows vista?

How do you mean? I wouldn't say that it's suitable for much at all.

iam not computer gave me a notification and ask if i want to upgrade to internet8 or something...and so i did...but when everything is downloaded...i found that the font of the words became bid and i can't close tabs and kept re-loading and won't let me close them...what should i do? what exactly is the version of internet that windows vista is suitable for?

THIS is the official site for MSIE8. They list Windows Vista as compatible but not Windows 7 (not sure if this omission is intentional or not.

It is an ugly browser, so the big "friendly" fonts, lack of useful user controls, etc. might be expected. I can't see how the reload thing would really be a browser issue though. Does it do it for all webpages, or only some? Not sure about the inability to close tabs either.

Did you download and install files for IE8, or did it come in an automatic update? It might not hurt to either uninstall and reinstall or try reinstalling over top of the current installation.

There is a not-so-small contingent of users who still use MSIE6 since 7 and 8 are so horrible. I haven't used any MSIE browsers for the better part of a decade. Have you considered switching to a different (better) browser?

All webpages will be reloaded when i tried to close them...
yea...they didn't mention that i wouldn't be able to close tabs or windows...
it came as an automatic update...
the problem is i don't know how to uninstall...
and if i reinstall,which version of internet do i install now?
but iam lucky that i did download firefox as well...
iam using firefox now...
however,i think i still prefer IE in some ways...

Not too familiar with Vista/W7, but I would imagine you uninstall as you normally would. I think that's how rolling back from IE7 to IE6 worked under XP (control panel, add/remove programs). Although I don't imagine that what you're describing is normal functionality. Perhaps try downloading the install files from the website I listed above and try reinstalling; your installation may be corrupt.

Are you clicking a button to close the tab, or are you using a key combination (ctrl+w in firefox, try that). I don't use IE, so I don't know how realistic this could be but you might be hitting the wrong button.

Also, just curious, what features make you favor IE over FF, Opera, etc.?

okks thanks :D
i just clicked on the cross button when closing tabs...
well i dont know actually...
maybe it's because i've been using IE for like years and is thus not familiar with FF...
Cause the font and styles are different...

okks thanks :D
i just clicked on the cross button when closing tabs...
well i dont know actually...
maybe it's because i've been using IE for like years and is thus not familiar with FF...
Cause the font and styles are different...

Is it a "+" or a "X" cross? I think the + symbol to the right of existing tabs means "add a new tab" and, as I recall from old MSIE days, ctrl+N to open a new window opens a new window with the same page in it as the one you were looking at, so perhaps newly created tabs open to the current tab's page by default. I'm guessing that's what the problem is.

HERE is a MS FAQ about IE8 tabbed browsing. I didn't read it, but maybe it could shed some light on your issues.

it is a 'X'...
i shall go read the FAQ
thanks for helping :D
sorry for the trouble...

yes. vista comes with internet explorer 8.

You will need to keep IE with some version just to get Vista updates, they will not work with any other browser.
Do yourself a favor and look at opera and chrome, you may like their ease of operation.
Before you delete IE8, download IE7 from here....
then if anything happens with a roll back to IE7 you will be able to install this copy. is? but why is it that i can't close my tabs and windows?

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