i have locked myself out of my coputer. i do not remember my user name or password is there anything i can do

i have locked myself out of my coputer. i do not remember my user name or password is there anything i can do

i find that hard to believe ,one day you remember it the next you forget

I think its not possible to come back.

If you forget your Windows password or if your password expires, you must reset your password before you can log on to your computer. Or if you can log on as an administrator to assign a new password to your account. If you do not have a reset disk or cannot log on as an administrator, unfortunately, you may have to reinstall Windows XP and all other programs that were installed on the computer before you can use the computer again. This is for security. Without these safeguards, anyone could reset a password to anyone else's computer and gain access to private information.

i have locked myself out of my coputer. i do not remember my user name or password is there anything i can do

ok,if it just the user name and password of a created user acct and not the admin acct then boot to safe mode ,hitting f8 on startup and go to the admin acct[by default it should not be pass worded ] and then go to control panel ,users and delete the password from your acct

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