Hi ive tried so many times to change my desktop background, ive tried downloading and applying my pictures but nothing happens. There isnt even an option when i right click to change the background.
My computer is new and ive only had it a week so dould it be that i need to do something to get this option? Please help as its really annoying now. Thanks

Let me guess, you are using a netbook with Windows 7? I say this as the Windows 7 Starter Edition installed on netbooks does not allow for desktop themes, configuration etc.

Let me guess, you are using a netbook with Windows 7? I say this as the Windows 7 Starter Edition installed on netbooks does not allow for desktop themes, configuration etc.

Yes i have a netbook with windows 7, so thats it i cant get any different backgrounds? Is there something i can do?

Nope, Windows 7 Starter Edition has desktop customisation taken out. As far as I am aware there is no workaround other than to explore the use of third party desktop customisation/theme tools such as Windows Blinds and the like.

Ok thanks can i download something so i can change my desktop background? If so what?

Can i upgrade from windows 7 starter, for me to be able to get desktop background and wallpapers?

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