All of a sudden three or four days ago I got ready to watch a DVD on my PC and I had no sound. I have checked everything even reinstalled both DVD drives and nothing. I saw a little while ago that some other have had the same problem and had to leave the site for a short time, now I can't find the discussion. I thing someone said something about downloading 123 Player or something like that. I would appreciate any help


I forgot to say that I use windows Media Player

have you check your windows audio settings, whether it's just muted or not? or try downloading other player such as bsplayer or gom player check if it will help :)

try getting vlc for windows it might work

have you check your windows audio settings, whether it's just muted or not? or try downloading other player such as bsplayer or gom player check if it will help :)

Everything is on nothing is muted I thought about downloading another player and the last time I did anything like that I was two weekds getting my computer going again. I had three trojans.


try getting vlc for windows it might work

Do ypu think it is a safe download? and where can I find it?


just search for VLC media player,BSplayer or gom player..or check out this link

Thanks for the information, I did a deep scan with Window Live one care and found out that I had a lot of junk on the computer that did not belong there and it took care of my sound problem. I really don't know how, but it worked.

Thankks, Lawman

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