Hey there DaniWebfamily !!!
I have an Emachine EL1200, with Windows XP Home on it.
Went to bootup one day and it won't boot into the system.
It only goes into that screen that gives ya the options of SAFEMODE, SAFE MODE with Networking....etc
The computer won't go into SAFEMODE or any other listings. A BSOD very briefly flashes when I try to boot into regular mode.
I got out a Windows XP installation disc to try to fix this issue. I got to the screen that says " Windows XP Home Edition Setup, where it lists all the partitions.
Here is where I'm confused. It lists 3 partitions.
#1 (EISA Utilities) 9994MB ( 2912MB Free)
#2 (unknown) 71069MB ( 71068MB Free)
#3 (DATA) (NTFS) 71563MB ( 71467MB Free)

When I highlight each partition , I look for a choice to "REPAIR" that partition, but it doesn't give me that option, like it should. I get the option to SET UP WINDOWS on the partitions. I get the option to CREATE A PARTITION and I get the option to DELETE the selected partition. How can I repair the boot up part of this computer unless I get the option to REPAIR it ?
Do you think if I got my hands on a better Installation disc, that I may be able to save what I can't get into ?
I did want to mention also, that before I get into the screens that I mentioned before, there is a screen that gives me 3 other options:
1 To setup Windows XP now, press enter.
2 To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R.
3 To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.
Would getting into the Recovery Console help any ?
Any and all help is greatly appreciated !!!

I haven't done this in a very long time.

but I think it was like this

after you get
1 To setup Windows XP now, press enter.
2 To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R.
3 To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

Press enter to Setup windows

Then Press F8 to accept the Windows EULA.

It should detect that you have a windows install and ask you if you wish to repair and this is when you press R to repair.

I am pretty sure it asks you before the partition manager.

If you don't see the Repair dialogue come up. Try going into Recovery console and type bootcfg there than try to repair again with the above steps.

I went into the Recovery Console and typed bootcfg. Then there were many things to show up and I didn't understand what to do in there.

Umm, Please post what it said, write it down on a piece of paper or take a picture with a camera.

Ok, that will be a lot of writing but I will get to it ! Thanks for your replys !!!

Back up a bit. On that options screen [Safe mode, LKG....] cancel auto restart on error. Then restart and note the BSOD error number, and any faulting process... post them.
From what you have listed as discovered partitions... [you must have entered Setup to see those - whoops] the first is your recovery partition from Emachines, the second [unknown] - is that your drive [partition] where windows is? If so, your MBR's partition table is possibly damaged, and that would be why you cannot start Windows..
There are no RC commands that can fix that problem.
bootconfig [with the right options] can be used to search your disk for Windows installations and then to create a correct boot.ini file. But with the RC command "type" and a suitable path...
type c:\boot.ini
...you can quickly check if the original is okay. Also.
Anyway, if the partition table is corrupted then you would need to slave the drive to repair it, else have a bootable cd with the correct type of tool.
It's all fun, and we can help.

I have done this many times. With the disk i use...I usually go to the first screen where it said Enter, R , or F3. I hit enter. Then after it loads up...then hit r. This does a XP repair...replaces system files and reinstalls it. Not exactly user-friendly, but this is how i have done it.

The partition to use sounds like the NTFS volume. It will tell you if there is no windows installation there.

I don't know what I was thinking... boot.ini is obv ok because you got windows up, somewhat. [DrWatson gave you a BSOD... :)]

I can't find " cancel auto restart on error ", in the BIOS or that SAFEMODE screen

Please post the erorr

I stink at describing my problem ! LOL
I'm goin to just reinstall Windows on this computer and get it going. Thank you all for helping me !!! I hope I can help someone on here also !

Tumble If you can just post the error, we may help you.

But do as you wish.


As I posted early on that I couldn't see the BSOD error message because it flashed soo fast. I couldn't get the thing to stop rebooting either. I really appreciate all your help !!! I went ahead and started over due to the time frame I have to get this computer back working. Thanks again Finito !!!!

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