
This seems to be a very weird problem. I am at my wits end trying to solve it.

Basically, I have a Dell Studio laptop. My DVD drive reads every CD/DVD fine except for the Windows OS installation CD. I have tried putting in Windows Vista Cd and 2 windows 7 Cds but it just fails to read them. The CDs are perfectly fine as they load up nicely in another computer and I don't think my drive is bad because every other CD be it game, software etc runs up fine. Even Fedora installation CD works up.

I called the customer care but they couldn't help.

From what I think, its some software which is preventing from the OS CD to load up or my registry needs some tweaking. But that's just me.

I have a dual boot for Fedora 12 and Windows 7 currently.

I need the Windows OS CD running before this weekend.

Any ideas on what might be a possible cause for the same? It's just such a weird problem. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Hey bro, may be you have tried this, but let me ask ya?
Which Burning(CD writing) software you are using.

It should be Nero if its on win7, majority of users use it.
If you have Nero try to make an image of disk then burn it, if you did this and it didn't work..##

I would suggest you to use Clone CD
"http://www.slysoft.com/en/ "

Its not free, but a demo version is available.
If you are still not able to work out,
contact me..!


I have tried putting in Windows Vista Cd and 2 windows 7 Cds but it just fails to read them. The CDs are perfectly fine as they load up nicely in another computer and I don't think my drive is bad because every other CD be it game, .

hi, are you saying it won't boot to a windows cd or are you saying it will not even read the cd wile you are working in windows ,like if you put in a winddows cd and go to mycompyter/computer and right click on the cd rom icon and click open or explore that it will not open the cd so you can see the files on it .
if you are only saying it will not boot the windows cd ,then you need to go into the bios on bootup and change the cd drive to be the first boot

@Ron Player: It won't even read the CD, let alone making an image or burning. I have Roxio though.

@caperjack: It won't even read the CD. It won't do explore so I can see files on it.

your right it is a weird problem

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one question....did you install fedora after installing vista??or vice versa?

I installed Fedora after Windows 7.

A small truth....

It might be just the lens problem,
Basically there are many cases where a certain disk is not being read or not auto played,

So don't worry, try to burn the same CD/DVD from other PC with slow speed,
maybe that could help..!

try to read another bootable CD.
If it read bootable cd fine.
try windows update all necessary files.
also you can try goto BIOS reset to default.
good luck

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