I have windows xp service pack 2, a clean install with a modified uxtheme.dll to allow for custom visual styles. This was working fine, but after installing a few things (nvidia drivers and utilities for video card, windows .net framework 1.1 when I already had 2.0 installed (side note - both have since been uninstalled with no difference)) the visual styles don't work properly. The windows get mapped correctly, like for example with the Windows XP visual style, the top of windows are blue and rounded on the edges with the red x to close, but the taskbar looks like the windows classic taskbar. No green start menu, no blue taskbar. Just the classic windows boxy one. Colors from the styles seem to apply like they normally would, but the actual graphical style doesn't. I've been to http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm and tried everything that looked promising, and no dice. I've done pretty much everything I can think of and was hoping someone else had run into this and fixed it. I've google searched and looked on a number of forums and I haven't seen anyone with quite the same issue - normally it's everything that doesn't work, not just the taskbar. Whew, that was a long post for a small issue. Thanks in advance.

It's corrected. There's a taskbar/startmenu fixer on that website that fixed my issue.

It's corrected. There's a taskbar/startmenu fixer on that website that fixed my issue.

Hello, djfatben.
I have same problem. Can you tell me or PM me how you corrected this, please?

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