I recently re-installed XP home on my old laptop and everything seemed to install ok but now I cannot connect to my internet wirelessly.In my system tray it shows that my network name and conection rate as excellent but it will not actually connect. When I do "ipconfig /all" I find my IP address to be I also get a funny looking address for my DNS servers of "fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1" and then "2%1" and "3%1". I reinstalled my dell drivers from the drivers disc that came with the computer and I did have slow connectivity via wired hookup. I have tried "ping ip_address_of_the_router" and it I got "Ping request could not find host ip_address_of_the_router. Please check the name and try again.". I have a working interent connection on my other laptop (wireless) and through my desktop (wired). I don't know if this is a driver issue or what but I just can't seem to get it figured out. THe status of my wirelss connetion on the problem computer is just aquiring network address. But it never connects. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm afraid I'm in over my head on this one.

It's always a worry when your DNS server comes back with this: "fec0:0:0:ffff::
These machines are getting out of hand....
Anyway... you tried what??!! " I have tried "ping ip_address_of_the_router" "
You mean... ping ? or whatever? I hope.
Because you have just done a reinstallation, I would go with a driver or installation problem. Reload the drivers for your ethernet adapter, if that doesn't work then just reinstall XP.

It's always a worry when your DNS server comes back with this: "fec0:0:0:ffff::
These machines are getting out of hand....
Anyway... you tried what??!! " I have tried "ping ip_address_of_the_router" "
You mean... ping ? or whatever? I hope.
Because you have just done a reinstallation, I would go with a driver or installation problem. Reload the drivers for your ethernet adapter, if that doesn't work then just reinstall XP.

I will try a new install of XP and my drivers and see what happens. I did a TCP/IP repair and winsock repair and that didn't seem to help my problem. I actually did try "ping ip_address_of_the_router" which I got from another post on this website of a similar problem with XP and IP address not being recognized. It sounds like that could have been bad information. Thanks for responding so quickly to my post and hopfully a new install will solve my problems. I was thinking of that myself but didn't want to try it if this was a quick fix problem. Thanks again for your help!

I ran a repair of XP and then updated the service pack from CD right afterward before installing drivers. Everything is now working fine. It must have been either a glitch with the way XP loaded or you really need to update the service pack first before drivers which sounds strange but it certainly wouldn't be the first strange sofware issue microsoft had. Thanks again for your recommendation Gerbil!!

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