I have been waiting for three days now for someone in the IT department where I work to update Acrobat so that I can use it. I don't know why they're taking so long because all they need to do is log in as an administrator then click "update" on Adobe Air. It could easily be done through remote access and they're only one floor down.

All I need Acrobat for is to save a PDF into an image but without those images, I can't update one of the pages on the site and that particular page is an important one which should have been updated last week.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew of another way to convert a PFD to an image that doesn't involve printing it then using a scanner to scan it in or downloading software.

Any help will be appreciated and apologies for the mini-rant.

hi ,pretty sure anything you try will require downloading a program to do it ,and i assume you aren't allowed to do that or you would be able to update adobe ,correct

You're right. I'm not allowed to download any program without first passing it through IT. I can't find any solutions that don't require downloading anything so when I get to work tomorrow, I'll keep calling them every 20 minutes or so until they do it. Three days to click "update" on one computer is ridiculous.

. Three days to click "update" on one computer is ridiculous.

so right ,report them to someone over there head ,they are wasting company time ,and that means money

I think I will. It wouldn't be so bad if I could just use another computer to save the necessary PDF files into images but the way they have the network set up means that you need to be "profiled" to that computer and until that's done, you can't access network drives or the internet.

I don't understand why they can't be like every other company and have it so you can log onto any computer on the network normally.

Maybe you can download the update at home and copy to your pen drive and patch it to your Adobe in your office computer. If that is possible. Anyway check out the link below. See if any of those works.


USB ports are blocked for all non-admins by default, which I think is the right thing to do because it means there's no chance of people taking confidential files home. I have no need for the USB ports anyway so if I requested access to them, I wouldn't be granted the permissions.

I'm in the office now and I've been calling them every 30 minutes for 2 hours now and I'm getting the same response every time of "Someone will be up in a few minutes." I've already filed an internal complaint to Human Resources so that should be investigated soon as complaints are always top priority.

A program I use often is Cute PDF, a free download. It adds what looks like a printer, then when you print your document (any program) choose Cute PDF as the printer. Instead of printing it will ask you for a file name.

A program I use often is Cute PDF, a free download. It adds what looks like a printer, then when you print your document (any program) choose Cute PDF as the printer. Instead of printing it will ask you for a file name.

hi,poster is looking to change it to a image file ,so they can post it on a web page

I apologise for bringing this back up but I thought that some of you may like to know that it's been 2 weeks now and they still haven't updated the software I need. The page I need the images for was supposed to have been live last week and because it's not, the whole site is behind schedule.

This is ridiculous. They have a full team of people yet can't find time to click "update" while logged in as an admin. I've seen companies with just one IT guy who was swamped with work but still could get the small and menial things that wouldn't even take 5 minutes done as soon as they were requested.

time to take some work home with you.lol

2 weeks? Sad to hear that. Since your company had strict policy, there is nothing much you can do. Did you talk to them face to face? I think you walk over there with some higher authority personal and talk to their heads. But that may cause a confrontation. So do it with caution.

I am afraid you may have to launch your complain to the HR department and have them investigate the matter.

I need to go see HR today so I'm going to file a complaint while I'm there so I know that they've received it.

Sorry to hear about the IT problem. As for your attempt to convert a PDF to images, Photoshop. I have Photoshop 7, so I'm guessing that later versions can do it as well. But in Photoshop 7 you can open the individual pages from a PDF document into Photoshop as an image. Once you do that you can manipulate and edit like anyother photoshop document.

Thanks Maverike. That would be helpful but unfortunately I don't have photoshop on my work computer. I've filed a second complaint with HR and found out that this isn't the first time they've taken ages to update things that are needed. I was told that they had complaints similar to mine about IT from 4 different departments.

ah. That would be a bit of a problem then. Do you have any sort of Graphic editing program? It's kind of an ugly-as-sin work around, and can lead to real annoyance but another option is open the file in Adobe like normal, full-screen the reader. Find the image you want to convert and perform a screen cap. ALT+Print Screen on a PC. You can then Paste the screen capped image into a photo program. Now there is a LOT that can go wrong with this process but if it works it works.

The only image editor I have access to at work is Paint. I have tried the print screen-paste-crop method but the resolution on my computer is too small to get a decent size image using that method.

take the same action as the IT dept! none ,get the website updated and working when they update adobe,you allready covered you ass by reporting them to HR, lol

So USB ports are blocked for non-admins... what about cd drive? You got one that can just read? Then Sumatra portable will do the job, perhaps. It does not install, is stand-alone. You would dl it at home, install to a cd, hide the cd inside a raspberry and banana tart, at the office just drop the cd into your work box and dclick the executable. Drag your pdf into it. Or browse to it.

So USB ports are blocked for non-admins... what about cd drive? You got one that can just read? Then Sumatra portable will do the job, perhaps. It does not install, is stand-alone. You would dl it at home, install to a cd, hide the cd inside a raspberry and banana tart, at the office just drop the cd into your work box and dclick the executable. Drag your pdf into it. Or browse to it.

I think a Bologna sandwich would work better then the tart.

Nah... it's hard to lick off all the butter.. leaves a smear which can upset the laser. And everyone expects you to lick at a raspberry n banana tart filling.

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