I've got a basic HP Pavillion Slimline running an AMD x64 dual core 2.7GHz, 4gb ram and 500gb harddrive space. Its loaded with Vista Home Premium but I'm ready to install Windows 7 Professional. I'm backing up all docs, gathering the installs of my third-party software, but I don't know how I'm going to keep certain programs that came loaded with the system such as: LightScribe, PowerDirector, and quite a few more. Short of buying them all separate I don't know how I'm going to keep them. I'm doing a clean install so I know everything that I want on my system is what is there. HP seems to think that running a multitude of "helper" processes is actually helpful.

Is there anyone with a similar experience that can help? I'd really like to get some advice or even just chat about Vista to 7 transition. Thanks

If you doing a full install of Windows 7, none of the preinstalled applications will stay. The only way to use them again is if they came on a separate CD that you can install after installing 7, but manufactures rarely do that anymore now that most use a restore partition that just has an image of the drive as it shipped.

Only option to keep them would be to do a windows 7 Upgrade. Thus keeping all your files and program installed, but just upgrading Vista to 7.

Yeah I know this but I figured I ask so I'll have to deal with it. I need to perform a clean install for peace of mind--I pretty much have control over what is installed. I have a run-of-the-mill HP and I had to uninstall and delete and reconfigure over a period of months to get everything to my liking. So much garbage.

What if I saved the directory with all the support files? I realize there would be no registry references. I've done this before when running Windows 98, I copied the containing directory of the program I wanted to keep and manually inserted keys to recognize related file types. But I don't know about now, back then it was easier I think.

I can always shell out the few dollars for the ones I really use and replace the ones I rarely use with freeware versions. Any thoughts?

if you bought the software in the first place that you want to keep you should have the installation files or a disc so find the installation files back them up and reinstall them when you done your clean install of your OS or go to the web site where you bought your software and down load installation files i think light scribe software comes with the DVD /CD drive so you can go to the manufacturers web site and down load from there or it will be on installation cd that came with it hope this helps
I don’t recommend an upgrade from vista to win 7 it’s a nightmare

When i say upgrade i mean as apposed to a clean install win 7 in very good miles better than vista but a clean install is the best way

The software I'm speaking of came loaded on the computer from the manufacturer without any discs. I had to get discs from Microsoft for the OS (Vista, before I got 7) but the other companies preferred that I buy them over again. I have the installs from the software I purchased separately. I will go to the website for the Lightscribe software and see what I can do. Thanks.

if you bought the software in the first place that you want to keep you should have the installation files or a disc so find the installation files back them up and reinstall them when you done your clean install of your OS or go to the web site where you bought your software and down load installation files i think light scribe software comes with the DVD /CD drive so you can go to the manufacturers web site and down load from there or it will be on installation cd that came with it hope this helps
I don’t recommend an upgrade from vista to win 7 it’s a nightmare

Thank you sir, I'm very pleased. I didn't realize that Lightscribe was a free download. It makes sense because you need to have purchased their hardware. Same as downloading a driver for a sound card or something. I feel kinda foolish now. Thanks again buddy.

Oh, by the way, I use Cyberlink (PowerDirector, Power2Go, etc.) for my DVD burning and ripping needs. What do you think of Nero? Can you suggest any freeware versions that are fairly powerful?

I have just downloaded Windows 7 a upgrade from Windows Vista.I shall have to confirm the same. Bye!for now.

here is one for you i have not used it myself or tested it but was recommended to me by a friend and it is free check it out you can’t lose anything

You're doing an upgrade and not a clean install, right? Let me know how it comes out for you. Thanks.

I have just downloaded Windows 7 a upgrade from Windows Vista.I shall have to confirm the same. Bye!for now.

Thanks, it seems like a very feature rich application I'm going to check it out. I'm still looking around at other products as well. Thanks again.

here is one for you i have not used it myself or tested it but was recommended to me by a friend and it is free check it out you can’t lose anything

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