I dont know if this is the right place to put this but I updated the driver for my LT Win Modem to 8.30 but when I restart my computer and try to get on the internet msn (my isp is msn) can find the modem. My old driver 8.22 worked but sometime i would get the blue screen of death. It says that the file is ltmdmxp.sys but if I delete it I can't get on the internet. Someone help

BSOD? What version of Windows are you running?
Are you sure you installed the driver correctly?

BSOD? What version of Windows are you running?
Are you sure you installed the driver correctly?

I'm using window XP home and i install it right.

Can you tell me how you installed it? Did it come as an .exe file, and you ran that?
If you did, you may have to tell your computer to run the drivers manually. If you don't know how, I'll guide you through it.

I did this to install the driver

1.Downloading the modem830.exe to the c:\windows\temp directory
2. Close out your internet connection and exit all other applications/programs
3. Double click "My Computer". Double click on the drive and directory where the file is saved.
4. Double click the "Modem830.exe" file. From this point you should start to see the file self extract into the c:\windows\temp directory.
5. A welcome screen will appear asking you "Do you want to install the drivers?" Click the "ok" button to continue with the installation or the "cancel" button to abort the installation. If you click the "ok" button, the modem driver will begin to install.
6. When installation is completed please reboot your computer.

I don't know how to tell the computer to run the drivers manually.

Only things I can think of are either the installer was corrupt in some way, or that the driver isnt compatable with your system.

Only things I can think of are either the installer was corrupt in some way, or that the driver isnt compatable with your system.

thanks any way

The driver is compatable with my computer. I have driverMagic and it download the file and install automatically but when i reboot msn couldn't find my modem.

I got the driver to work and get on the internet I had to uninstall MSN connection center

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