My computer was stolen and when it was retrieved it had been password protected...i have no idea how to get past this...please help..

We have no idea that this PC is actually yours, so cannot recommend anything other than what M$ recommends.

What I would like to know is why would a thief password protect a stolen PC?

i mean i get that theres no way to tell the computer is mine other than i haev all the receipts and all the software for it....i dont know much about computers which is why i decided to come here...whats funny is ywah why would a theif password protect a stoln computer? have no idea but thats how i picked it up from the police department..../sigh...and there was a porno in the cd rom..go figure.

if it helps its a fujitsu lifebook and ive already called them and they said i needed to go through MS, and dont really want to pay so much for them to fix i think its like a minimum of $60 to chat with them about it...anywho any help would be appreciated. and btw i dont know if a theif would be stupid enough to come one one of these sites for help with there stolen la vi!

and btw i dont know if a theif would be stupid enough to come one one of these sites for help with there stolen la vi!

sure they would ,we would have no way of knowing who they were as we don't know who you are .
might i suggest a local computer repair shop, microsdoft or search google

What he said. There's nothing we can do to help I'm afraid, without potentially helping someone hack into a computer that isn't theirs...

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