
today I had problem with my client lapto, first everything worked ok as usual and then I had to install new POS printer and I also had to install driver for COM port (3 and 8). After installing these drivers laptop started to auto shutdown every 5-10 minutes.

I assumed problem was in new drivers and because I made some minor changes in Device manager so I decided to run restore point two days backwards because I didn't have these problems then and after I finished that nothing changed because laptoped continiued to autoshutdown first each 10 minutes, then each 4-5 minutes and then again every 10 minutes so there isn't any fixed autoshutdown interval.. Also at the momment when laptop is shutdown, when I try to turn it on I can't so I have to wait for 1.5-2 minutes to turn it on again.

I am not sure what's the problem because I don't see any error message and I never had any similar situation before.

Any help is appreciated and many thanks in advance for prompt replys.


If you can't turn the laptop back on then there is a hardware issue. My first guess is that the system is over-heating. Make sure the vents on the bottom and sides are not blocked and check to see if there air coming out at least one of the vents from the CPU fan.

If you can't turn the laptop back on then there is a hardware issue. My first guess is that the system is over-heating. Make sure the vents on the bottom and sides are not blocked and check to see if there air coming out at least one of the vents from the CPU fan.

Thank you rch1231 for quick reply, appreciate it.

I can turn laptop back on but I usualy have to wait for 60-120 sec cca after autoshutdown, if I try to turn it one before that interval it turns on one for second and then it turns off. I also checked if it is too hot or somthing but it is all normal (average). Perhaps something blocked vents so I could checked that. I checked before if air is coming from vents and that's ok also.

right click on mycomputer /go properties /advanced/startup and recovery /system failure /uncheck to shutdown .

this should show a blue screen error

Hello caperjack, I am not working currently on my client laptop but I checked that options on my laptop and under System failure groupbox I have these (check/uncheck boxes): Write an event to a system log, Send an administrative alert, Automatically restart. So what exactly should I uncheck, all these boxes? And also after I finish that and blue screen appears, how can I fix this and is this problem in regard to hardware issue?

Thank you.

sorry using win7 and was posting from memory sort of.
uncheck 'Automatically restart '

thank you caperjack very much for prompt reply, appreciate it. As I mentioned in my last post I am not working currently on my clients laptop (but I will tommorow) but I will do that.

I have one more quick question: after I uncheck 'Automatically restart' checkbox I assume I assume lapotop will not restart anymore and I can work normaly again but what did I solve with that and is this a hardware or software failure and why did it happened?

thank you caperjack very much for prompt reply, appreciate it. As I mentioned in my last post I am not working currently on my clients laptop (but I will tommorow) but I will do that.

I have one more quick question: after I uncheck 'Automatically restart' checkbox I assume I assume lapotop will not restart anymore and I can work normaly again but what did I solve with that and is this a hardware or software failure and why did it happened?

no it will not fix the problem ,what it might do instead is give you a bsod error [blue screen of death ] usually cause by a device error/conflict /corrupt driver.if it doesn't then it may well just be over heating,,maybe that's why it need to sit for a bit to cool down enough to restart, google "bsod" for more info

Check is their any battery problem.

This problem is because the system heat fan and the heatsink is bloqued with dust, the system need a profesional cleaning.

If the computer or lap, shutdown, is because have some kind of failure that can damage the procesor, memory or the mother board, that is the reason why the computer shutdown.

If you turn on the equipment each time it shoutdown, you permanently damage it.

i think the printer driver you install might cause the laptop to auto restart... try to uninstall it...and observe if the problem will continue.... hope it works....

I used to get this issue with my PC instead, and a completely cleaning (from fans to motherboard as well as adding a new casing fan in my case) helped solve the problem. In the case of your laptop, you could add one of those fans which connects at the base of the laptop casing, and also give it a proper clean up

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