Ok, i have a casio laptop and everytime i try to download itunes to it the internet says theres a problem and shuts down. every time i try to close out of a web browser it does this! how do i make it stop????

maybe you should try posting this in the hardware section of the forum.

welcome to daniweb LesbianLover. Funny name. Regarding about your problem i agreed with e-papa, go to the hardware forum and post your problem. Some questions for you

1) Whay web browser are you using and have you try other web browser.
2) Are you able to download other stuff and is only having problem with downloading itunes.
3) Have you changed any setting in the web browser or any where that does not allow you to download specific files or all files.
4) What do you mean by shut down. Do you refer to the web browser shut down or the computer shut down.

Please specify your problem. good luck

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