Hello all I recently bought a new computer and quite a dandy for the price. I havn't really pushed it hard yet but I'm sure I'll get a chance at some point. Anyway it came with some 3rd party software for overclocking the graphics card, after about a month of frustrations and tweaking I finally uninstalled AMD OverDrive and been goin on a week with no more issues. I havn't researched into it real deep but it could be a bad cd they sent out, although I did also download the drivers and attempt to install them again with the same results. So basically if anybody is having freeze issues and running this software it's definatly worth an uninstall to see if that's where the problem is stemming from then work it out from there if you really wanna run the software. Here's some of my specifications incase it helps anybody with a simialar issue.

Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor 2.89 GHz
System type: 64-bit Operating System
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series

AMD rarely have this problem, your case must be a rare one. if your laptop is new you can try a reformat to see whether the problem still occurs

No laptop to be seen there.

@ Predator. As far as I know, AMD overdrive only clocks the CPU. If you want to OC the GPU, download MSI AfterBurner.

Overclocking systems or graphics boards is an exercise fraught with danger - overheating, power consumption, fried circuits. Some folks who feel a real need for speed will purchase special gear that is designed to take this, but then all the components, CPU, RAM, power supply, video board, motherboard, all have to be built beyond the OEM specs so that overclocking won't screw the pooch. In your case, it is likely that the CPU was not really built for overclocking, so don't push your luck.

Both the 1055 and it's big brother, the 1090T were built for overclocking :). AMD overdrive is a tool designed by AMD for the purpose of doing exactly that.

Both the 1055 and it's big brother, the 1090T were built for overclocking :). AMD overdrive is a tool designed by AMD for the purpose of doing exactly that.

That may be true, but the other factors mentioned in my previous post still stand. Overclocking doesn't always work well. If it does, then great! If not, then ratchet the speed back to normal. As the original poster mentioned, when they did that, things worked again...

From reading the OP, it seems like he was doing it all wrong anyway.

I don't disagree with you, I just believe that it has to be done right :).

Actually I wasn't overclocking it's simply an error generated by installing the software. I don't need it just posting that incase anyone has a similar problem.

I havn't really pushed it hard yet but I'm sure I'll get a chance at some point. Anyway it came with some 3rd party software for overclocking the graphics card, after about a month of frustrations and tweaking

Sounds like you did from what you wrote. Stock speed for the 1055T is 2.8 Ghz and you wrote that yours was at 2.89Ghz, leading one to believe that you had been overclocking :).

I see what your sayin lol. But no that wasn't the case :). Maybe I have a diffrent model not sure about that. I guess it's possible the software was overclocking by default not sure.

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