I have a Windows Millennium OS disk from my old PC. I would like to know can I install this OS on a computer that came with NO OS

technically yes,legally no .but its a unsupported OS now so i don't think Bill G really cares .lol

Thanks caperjack. I'm thinking of buying a Dell PC that has no OS installed. I went to eBay and ordered the HP 882C printer you suggested but when I got it, it was OLD, DIRTY & with NO power cord (so that was $25.00 wasted)!...So I thought I would buy a new PC with no OS installed, because and there are programs I have that needs the ME OS.

Thanks caperjack. I'm thinking of buying a Dell PC that has no OS installed. I went to eBay and ordered the HP 882C printer you suggested but when I got it, it was OLD, DIRTY & with NO power cord (so that was $25.00 wasted)!...So I thought I would buy a new PC with no OS installed, because and there are programs I have that needs the ME OS.

just for the record ,i suggested you buy an old printer ,i did not suggest you buy any specific one ,especially one that was dirty and had no plug ,so i wont take the blame for that .lol

I sorry!...I was NOT blaming you. I just wanted you to know why I am where I am NOW!

I sorry!...I was NOT blaming you. I just wanted you to know why I am where I am NOW!

i know , what is the model # of the dell you are looking at buying

Several issues will arise if you try to do this.

1. ME probably doesn't support Sata drives, which is what most new computers use. You may be able to set the BIOS to make the drives look like ata drives (setting them as PATA devices), but that is no guarantee they will work.
2. Newer network stuff probably won't work since ME won't have drivers for newer devices, especially wireless network gear.
3. Video will be a problem since ME won't likely have driver support for newer hardware either. Basic video functionality may be ok, since I think ME can use VESA drivers, but you won't get all the resolution your hardware is capable of, and performance will be pathetic - no full-motion video for sure.

So, don't waste your time with ME, but better to install Linux if you don't want to pay for a new Windows 7 license.

Thanks rubberman. I have OLD programs I want to run and I KNOW they run on ME. I have a couple of new PC's that runs everything else. What is this with Linex, I have never used it...How do I get it?

Linux is a free, and open source operating system, used by millions of people all over the work, including myself and my wife. With that, you can install a virtual machine manager, such as Oracle's VirtualBox (free for personal use), and run ME in a virtual machine, because you can configure the virtual machine (a virtual PC) to look like what ME would expect to run on.

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