i'm using DELL N4010.i can't use bluethooth .can someonehelp me

perhaps if you could explained what happens when you try using it

commented: lol but good thinking +9

Make sure you bluetooth sharing is on and what exactly happen. Can you connect to a mobile devices or a laptop? We need more information.

i need to update my windows seven it is expired how update expire windows

i need to update my windows seven it is expired how update expire windows

start by not hijacking someone else post in a help forum ,and then call microsoft also legit win7 does not expire

Hi caperjack the above is a spammer.

@ haidari@yahoo.c

You broke the rules by hijacking someone thread
Second, windows 7 does not expire

@ Chamnab

1) Also make sure your firewall is turn off. Firewall can block blue tooth connection
2) Make sure other security software like anti virus are not the cause of problem, temporary disable the anti virus firewall if they have one
3) Make sure blue tooth card is install properly you can re-install it if you want.

Back to my first post, we need more information like why it cannot connect and what you are connecting to?

i bought this computer 6 months ago,when i hit wireless key , it always show wireless network connection and also bluetooth and i can connect my phone(Sony C901) to my computer via bluetooth too. but now when i hit wirless key , it not show bluetooth.

did you accidentally delete it, is the blue tooth card properly installed? Re-install it.

no if i remembered correctly,but when i click on its application (BTTray) nothing happen. and i'm using LAPTOP ,how can i check my blue tooth card install correctly ?

What is your OS?

See this to install bluetooth card. And this for more bluetooth help. Not sure if it works on vista on windows 7 but you can try.

How did it go, did you try changing the blue tooth card. You can use one from another laptop and test it on your laptop not neccessary to buy a new one. When you are done, tell us whether it works. Goodl luck and hoping to hear a reply soon.

i think your system did not found the driver for bluetooth.

load an snap shot of Ur keyboard and device manager .

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