Since yesterday, after playing Call of Duty and installing a game, my laptop crashed and it showed a blue screen saying something like "Windows has shut down to prevent it from being damaged bla bla bla". And now, every time I start it up in normal mode, it would always crash with a blue screen after 30 seconds, so I would have to turn it on in Safe mode.

I searched for a long time...and tried some solutions like updating drivers...and a lot more. I also see those people who post wrote their "debugged memory.dmp", but then I don't know how to debug it. Please help...Any help would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. (sorry for my bad English.)

BTW, I'm using Windows 7. Laptop's brand is Gateway Intel Core i5-430M processor. Graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce 310M, 512 MB VRAM.


Did you try to uninstall the recent games from safe mode? And also check the startup for any faulty programs that try to run when your computer is starting.

Click on Start and type msconfig in the blank white area just above the seven windows start icon.

I did uninstall the games...and it is still the same.
And I have even unchecked all the programs in the startup and it still crashes T_T

Thx, I'll do it later.
So uhmm...can you please give me the instructions?

Dump File : 082111-46925-01.dmp
Crash Time : 8/21/2011 9:02:27 PM
Bug Check Code : 0x1000008e
Parameter 1 : 0xc0000005
Parameter 2 : 0x89096487
Parameter 3 : 0xa008f75c
Parameter 4 : 0x00000000
Caused By Driver : ataport.SYS
Caused By Address : ataport.SYS+6487
File Description : ATAPI Driver Extension
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Company : Microsoft Corporation
File Version : 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255)
Processor : 32-bit
Crash Address : ataport.SYS+6487
Stack Address 1 : ntkrnlpa.exe+3c48c
Stack Address 2 : MpFilter.sys+bf1
Stack Address 3 : MpFilter.sys+dd73
Computer Name :
Full Path : C:\Windows\Minidump\082111-46925-01.dmp
Processors Count : 4
Major Version : 15
Minor Version : 7600
Dump File Size : 139,696

And here is a screenshot

It seems that all Bluescreen crashes are caused by "ataport.sys".
I located went to system32/drivers and saw the file...
Should I delete it?

Thx in advance.

no dont delete it
go to start / search ,type in cmd, in cmd type in, sfc /scannow ,to check and fix system files

Done it, and it says, "Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.".


so i assume you are still getting the blue screen error,if so go back to cmd ,and do a check disk .
type in , chkdsk c: /r hit enter, it will/should say something about not being able to run until a restart ,so restart and it should run

I did what you said and pressed "Y" for yes.
I restarted it and nothing happened. And after a while it crashed again.
Should I do something after restarting?

Edit: I repeated the process and now it is to something...
Now I'm waiting for the process to finish.

I have also got the same Blue Screen problem on my PC and I just re-installed the windows on my system and it worked well again.

You can also try re-installing the windows and check if it resolves the problem.

sooo...after a whole night with my laptop opened...I opened the lid and saw the screen with the "Please Wait" message...
I don't even know if the process completed or not...

And it was stuck in that "Please wait" screen, so I restarted it manually and it crashed...again.

Any other solutions?
And what's with that IPE driver? That driver has the ataport.sys file (I think), and the Blue Screen Viewer says that that file is the cause.

Couldn't I really uninstall the driver or remove the file? What would happen?

Edit: Oh...I didn't see realnabster post...
Yeah...I think it would be my last resort...but then...I'm scared...because some people in the net said that with that Blue Screen of death, even if they reformatted their PC, it would still crash...

if the bsod error was cause by hardware ,like ram ,then yeah it will still happen after reinstall of windows .

try updating the drivers for you video card ,also run windows updates to see if any new ones .
also download and run malwarebytes the free version and scan computer ,post results logs here.

May be picturetube has been damaged change it . Go for new one. You may solve your problem

I don't have the time to scan for viruses, and Microsoft Security Essentials doesn't warn. I've also updated all my drivers using Driver Genius...
Any other solutions? T_T



I also use MSE, but scan with malwarebytes also, as no one security program finds all

i wouldn't install driver genius on a computer of someone i didn't like ,let alone my own,

if it were my computer i would boot to my win7 dvd and run the repair

good luck

tried system restore?
Window Superkey+R and type in rstrui
Follow instructions!

Also, in case it is malware or something like that try Avast and do a boot schedule scanning

I haven't scanned yet with malwarebyts, due to lack of time...but I was able to figure out some of the Services and Startups at msconfig which cause the Blue screen crashes.

Virtual Disk is one of them. But if I enable all except the Virtual Disk Service, it would still crash...which means that it is not the only one that causes the crash.

So I unchecked some services, and checked only a few in the startups, and it won't crash anymore...but then I cannot Repair Windows 7 with the installation disk, because there is an error that says something like "Windows cannot retrieve information from the disks on this PC", and I know that I could solve it by enabling Virtual Disk in the msconfig, but it would crash.

Right now I don't even know if the graphic drivers and the audio would work, so I will try a full scan later...

BTW, thank you guys for all your help!
I just wish that you would continue helping me until I finally fix my computer...But that is a big favor XD

But uhmm...thanks in advance.

Done scanning with malwarebytes, removed some infected files, and if I would enable all services at msconfig, it would still crash. =(

I'm desperate to have a repair install using the Windows 7 Installer Disk, but then there is a I've stated above.

Please help...

Show me the full error message when you see the blue screen. Try using system restore and go back to the time before the problem occurs. Try using Action Center. You might want to check your drive for errors. Select a drive and click on properties. Under tool tabs click on error checking and check now. Do a full scan and set it as automatically repair file erros.

If you try to use the installation disk within windows, the problem will always happen... Instead of running it in Windows, boot from it and it should initiate an 'Install Windows' but select 'Repair your Computer' option so it should fix your crash problem.

If nothing comes up on automatic repair, open command prompt under same repair windows and type in this

chkdsk c: /f /x /r

((where C would be your default windows directory. Change it to other drive letter if you install Windows on other partition))
This would take long so be patient till it found problems for you and fix it...

Sadly, it doesn't have any restore points...and...I have no time for scanning...but thx BTW.

How can I boot from the CD?
Can you please give me the steps? Thanks alot.

Turn on your computer and insert the disc and after that shut it down. Next turn on your computer again and follow the onscreen instrcutions. How about my rest of the advise?


Try Flagstar advice first before using mine. If flagstar solution helps you can forget about the my method. Good luck:)

The CD is a Windows 7 Upgrade something...and uhmm...I found a guide about Windows 7 repair and it says that I could repair it with the upgrade disk...but then I don't see anything new when I turn on my comp with the CD inside...
Maybe because it's not really a direct windows 7 installer...But last time I saw an "install Windows 7" option in it...

I'll do your suggestions tomorrow..I don't have the time. THX ALOT!!!

Yes, you've done right as far as you can see the 'Install Windows 7' option so next try to look under the option, it should have another 2 small option and one of it is 'Repair your Computer'. Initiate that and you should be prompt to identify and choose your OS installation which is Windows 7.

Click 'Load Drivers' and it should run an automatic startup repairs. Once it done but no problem or error or it couldn't repair it, do NOT click finish yet. There should be another option call 'Advance System Diagnostics and Repairs' on the below left of the windows. Then it should give you 5 options of Diagnostics and one of it including Command Prompt. Run it and type in those line I mentioned before...

The last way i have in mind which i also did before when i encounter same problem as yours is to reformat.If the updates and uninstalling of the said game doesn't work,better to clean it off by reformatting.Save your important files first.

Since yesterday, after playing Call of Duty and installing a game, my laptop crashed and it showed a blue screen saying something like "Windows has shut down to prevent it from being damaged bla bla bla". And now, every time I start it up in normal mode, it would always crash with a blue screen after 30 seconds, so I would have to turn it on in Safe mode.

I searched for a long time...and tried some solutions like updating drivers...and a lot more. I also see those people who post wrote their "debugged memory.dmp", but then I don't know how to debug it. Please help...Any help would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. (sorry for my bad English.)

BTW, I'm using Windows 7. Laptop's brand is Gateway Intel Core i5-430M processor. Graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce 310M, 512 MB VRAM.


I have just looked on one of your sites and there is this post...

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