Hello There,

My computer is very slow to start up. Really takes ages, while i have to start doing
some work. Any suggestion what to do some time really it;s very annoying.

In the same way it takes long to shut down. Can anyone give me some good suggestion or
how to resolve the problem.


First, you may want to check the amount of memory you have
secondly, you may want to reduce the number of startup programs as it obviously affects system startup.

to add to above post ,to reduce start up programs ,go to start /run ,type in msconfig ,when it opens go to startup tab,and start from there ,safe to remove most anything ,that not showing its location in the system32 folder ,of course there are things like virus programs that you want to keep

Yes i did try all the above but still no joy. My laptop is still start up very slow.

you may have to get a strong antivirus and do some real scan of your computer. if i may ask,what;s your RAM size and what operating system is your machine running on?

I'm using Kaspersky Internet Security 2011, and my RAM size is 2.03G, and using Win Vista.



Your RAM seems to be enough for the O/S. I suggest you run a thorough system scan and you could also run a Disk Cleanup to help remove temporary data and other junks like cookies and dump files.

It could be your hard drive. If you have a Dell, press F12 during POST and select Diagnostics. If you have a Sony, it will be Start Menu->Help and Support->VAIO Recovery Center->VAIO Hardware Diagnostic. For HP is F2 during POST. If it is other brands, you might want to consider getting it check out by a local tech shop. Hope it helps.

try to defragmention to your HDD,,,hope it works...

How old is your hard drive, it might crash soon.

hello shahid

you first check for running programes on your comp by typing msconfig at run
then uncheck the programes that you dont need at startup

2nd you type %temp% at run and the delete all temprary files in this folder

3rd install cleaner in your computer

hope this help you

if your problem is still unsolved the your harddisk may be in danger

Better you re-install your operating system.That will help you to boot your system very fast.

If you are still starting slowly after reducing the amount of start-up programs try Downloading 'Wise Disk Cleaner' install and run it. then download, install and run 'Wise Registry Cleaner' these programs are free and reliable.

be careful using registry cleaners ,they usually cause as much trouble as they fix ,and usually only fix a few problem and want you to pay to fix the other items it finds

You can check the temp file.Frist of all delete your temp file by type "%temp%" in run command.
After then you have to delete cache files.
If it is not doing good after this then you sould check your memory space.

You can check the temp file.Frist of all delete your temp file by type "%temp%" in run command.
After then you have to delete cache files.
If it is not doing good after this then you sould check your memory space.

great suggestions ,but all have be mentioned already ,thanks

first you unchecked all startup item in msconfig if still have problem then change upgrade your RAM

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