Hi! I am facing problem with the windows explorer. When I am trying to any folder in my D: drive it shows a dialogue box as "windows explorer not responding" and closes automatically the window explorer. with this I am unable to open my important files in the D: drive. Could anyone tell me how to resolve this problem.

Did you manage to get it to work? It could be your D has been corrupted if still facing the problem

it gives cause of 1)virus or 2)machine load
do 1) scan pc by antivirus 2) delete all temp file 3) restore your IE

I believe a virus scan would be good in the first place, try norton or kaspersky (have high removal probability if it is a virus), else I would recommend to scan and clean the D using the built in options in Windows, else using a tool like TuneUp Utilities

yeah first scan your D it might be because of virus
or it may be installation error

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