I was doing a 'search' on my winxp pc, and accidentally found this file folder C:\Program Files\MAV and mavinst.exe. i am baffled as to what this file/program could be. Anyone here..any ideas? Thanks for all your help.

Find info here

Usually this is located under %WINDIR%\System32 folder. If found elsewhere, then probably is a virus.

I'll suggest to run a full disc scan booting from a clean OS.

Hope this helps

RightClick mavinst.exe and check the properties for ID info.

Due to the location of the file/folder, this is likely a component of a rogue anti-spy app.

You ought to upload mavinst.exe to http://virusscan.jotti.org/en for analysis and post back with the results.

Cheers :)

Many thanks for replies. How do I upload mavinst.exe (found in C:\Program Files\mavinst.exe) to virusscan.jotti.org to be scanned?

Many thanks for replies. How do I upload mavinst.exe (found in C:\Program Files\mavinst.exe) to virusscan.jotti.org to be scanned?

Just go to Jotti or virustotal and click the browse button to navigate to the file and then click submit.


RightClick mavinst.exe and check the properties for ID info.

Due to the location of the file/folder, this is likely a component of a rogue anti-spy app.

You ought to upload mavinst.exe to http://virusscan.jotti.org/en for analysis and post back with the results.

Cheers :)

PP: Many thanks for your reply. Its been several weeks since I submitted the file to virusscan.jotti.org and never did get an answer. I did a scan with Malwarebytes/SuperAntispyware/and Avira and no virus was detected so I am hoping this means that the file is legitimate.

PP: Many thanks for your reply. Its been several weeks since I submitted the file to virusscan.jotti.org and never did get an answer. I did a scan with Malwarebytes/SuperAntispyware/and Avira and no virus was detected so I am hoping this means that the file is legitimate.

The results from Jotti and Virustotal are pretty much immediate unless there is a long queue of uploaded files waiting to be scanned. Both sites tell you where you are in line - usually there is no line and your file will begin being scanned as soon as the upload is finished.
The process takes only a minute or so.

Cheers :)

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