When i go to a website or view anything with animation/video my computer goes to a blue screen of death, or internet will shut down (unexpectedly). Also I am not able to install many software programs. I have had this Acer monitor hooked up for about a year. About 6 months ago it randomly started acting up. Before it would load windows xp and just go to a black screen and so no signal. Found out that by uninstalling the Dell provided video driver it fixed that issue. Worked fine until now. I can't even install my printer. Wondering if anyone has any tips for me. Thanks.

The problem is with the OS, you will have to re-install it or you might have changed the BIOS setting of your PC.

When i go to a website or view anything with animation/video my computer goes to a blue screen of death, or internet will shut down (unexpectedly). Also I am not able to install many software programs. I have had this Acer monitor hooked up for about a year. About 6 months ago it randomly started acting up. Before it would load windows xp and just go to a black screen and so no signal. Found out that by uninstalling the Dell provided video driver it fixed that issue. Worked fine until now. I can't even install my printer. Wondering if anyone has any tips for me. Thanks.

Maybe start by running a chkdsk and a memory test? Just to make sure that it's not hardware-related. If you're using a Dell, you can simply run the Support-program that comes with it (or you can download it from the site, can't remember the name) to make sure your system is OK. If all tests are clear, you'll probably have to take a look at your OS (Windows 7 I guess? or still xp?)

Have re-installed the os a few times. I flashed the BIOS a week or two ago. It did all of this before and after the BIOS update. Is there any BIOS settings that I could try changing? I did run a chkdsk yesterday. It came up with a couple issues as far as I know it corrected them. I wasn't at the computer when it finished. How do I go about a memory test? Is that one of the options at the startup? Like I said my system has had issues in the past, since I got this new monitor. No issues like this before hand though. My previous monitor was hooked up to the VGA card built in. This current monitor is on the DVI card. I don't have the VGA cable any more, so i can not do that simple test. I know they are cheap but I think it might be a video driver of some sort seeing as the monitor came with no install disk of any kind. Any other help is appreciated everyone! Thanks!

Have re-installed the os a few times. I flashed the BIOS a week or two ago. It did all of this before and after the BIOS update. Is there any BIOS settings that I could try changing? I did run a chkdsk yesterday. It came up with a couple issues as far as I know it corrected them. I wasn't at the computer when it finished. How do I go about a memory test? Is that one of the options at the startup? Like I said my system has had issues in the past, since I got this new monitor. No issues like this before hand though. My previous monitor was hooked up to the VGA card built in. This current monitor is on the DVI card. I don't have the VGA cable any more, so i can not do that simple test. I know they are cheap but I think it might be a video driver of some sort seeing as the monitor came with no install disk of any kind. Any other help is appreciated everyone! Thanks!

Install the Dell OS support center, and let it run all the tests, see if something comes up. The tests include a check-up of most hardware in your laptop, and can maybe locate the cause of the (hardware)issue you are having atm:

If you have switched to some other OS then you need to change the BIOS settings, this is also needed in case of a new hard disk

I like the sound of the Dell support software. Am unable to install it however. I have to download the Microsoft 3.5 installer from windows update. But everytime I try, it fails. I have not switched to another OS, same as always. Thanks again.

I like the sound of the Dell support software. Am unable to install it however. I have to download the Microsoft 3.5 installer from windows update. But everytime I try, it fails. I have not switched to another OS, same as always. Thanks again.

Are you able to run the Diagnostics on this page?


Of course, this is just one way to locate your problem. I think a OS reïnstall won't be helpful, as it is probably hardware-related. So unless you want to replace every piece of your computer in order to find the issue, I think running a (software) hardware-checkup is the way to go. If it turns out that your computer is in perfect health, you can maybe start focusing on your operating system to find the problem

can't even run that without installing the 3.5 microsoft installer. I am kind of striking out here. Anyone have anything else? Thanks.

can't even run that without installing the 3.5 microsoft installer. I am kind of striking out here. Anyone have anything else? Thanks.

Stop using IE, and see if your problem is caused by that?

memtest86 ,download the iso file and burn it to disk ,it will create a bootable disk and you just put it into the cddrive and reboot ,let it run the full scan ,may take a few hrs .

if need a iso burning software get free isoburn .

Just a note... if your monitor came without a support disc then it means that the software to operate its controls [picture adjustment, source etc] are hardwared inside. Mine came with a disc, software to load - without the sys fired up I cannot adjust a thing on my monitor, there is not even any display to view.
But the picture... that comes from your video driver, you either loaded that with the chipset software or for your vid card. The DVI output is supplied by that driver, a monitor knows what to do with it.
Your problem.. could well be dodgy memory, caper has pointed you up on htat ; have you considered heat? Any slightly intensive activity is shutting you down....

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