I tryed to change my ip address and now my internet does not work. Help please?

I tryed to change my ip address and now my internet does not work. Help please?

what exactly did you do because your isp gives you an ip address, you can not change it.

I used ip changer basic. Now it is not working. Then I changed it back and for some reason it is not working now. I wonder if unplugging my router and all of that will resign it?

Yea i fixed it. I went into my network connections and made it so it automatically assigns me an ip. Ahhhh. Never going to try to do this again.

i have to tell you though, i dont know exactly what you did or thought you did (whether you were going through a proxy or something) but it is impossible to change your ip address. Your isp gives it to you and you are stuck with it. Some change them periodiocally but this is not up to you. You have no say in what your ip address is, nor can you change it.

i have to tell you though, i dont know exactly what you did or thought you did (whether you were going through a proxy or something) but it is impossible to change your ip address. Your isp gives it to you and you are stuck with it. Some change them periodiocally but this is not up to you. You have no say in what your ip address is, nor can you change it.

This is why the title says "Tryed to change ip". If like internet goes down because of a storm your ip changes after that though. It has happened to me before. If you don't have a dynamic ip it changes everytime you log onto the internet, so it is not impossible to change it.

A dynamic ip changes not necessarily everytime you log on, but periodiocolly (up to the isp). It is static that never changes. If you are on dial up, you will recieve a different ip address every time you connect to the internet. If you are on highspeed (in which case i was assuming), you will have the same ip address for some time, if not indeffinatly (if your static). I dont know of any way this can be changed because the isp's servers hand you an ip address, it is not your computer that tells the isp what ip addres you want.

I checked out the program you are talking about, it doesnt change your ip address, it is just a settings manager that remembers your different settings to connect to different networks. Like your ssid and wpa password for your home wireless, your school's/works ssid and wep/wpa password etc. I thought you meant it actually changed your ip address (like the physical address that came through your line into your home). Its more of a settings manager to conect you to different servers/routers for different locations.

To change your Ip there is much an easier way,if you have a dynamic IP and if you reset the modem by turning ON and OFF you will get a new IP.If you have a static IP you can request your ISP for a change.To check for the change you can use Ip-details.com which gives your public IP address.

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