Get error message, "Null is null or not an object" when trying to access bank account on line. Can access on my iPhone and other computers.

Found a fix by doing a Google search but for the software, "WiseFixer" they want big bucks.

Can anyone give me a fix for this problem without buying a program?

Thanks for your assistance.


Are you seeing this error wen accessing the site using IE? Have you tried another browser, Chrome, Firefox?

Thanks for the reply. Yes, have been successful using Firefox but it will not load in IE.

I have to log in, user name, PW and it then goes to what is supposed to be the site. The screen viewing ares is totally blank. I can get the site on my iPhone also.

So, unforunately, there is no uninstalling your IE browser. What you could try first, is open IE, click on Tools, Internet Options, go to the advanced tab, then click on the Reset button. This will bring your IE back to its default state. If that doesnt work, your IE is cooked. If you havent yet upgraded IE, you could install the latest version for your OS. If you are running XP, you can load up to version 8. If you are on Win 7, you could install version 9. Otherwise, I would suggest if posssible, that you continue using Firefox and not bother with IE. There is really no need to buy anything since the issue is just localized with your IE version.

This problem might not be IE but the code on that page
he/she is trying to have access to it.

Thanks to Jorge M. and his advice to reset IE my PROBLEM IS SOLVED. Can't thank him enough. Great to deal with professionsl that know their business.

Best regards, thanks again to Jorge and this site.

Don D.

I would like to add something extra to this thread...
WiseFixer is not a solution, actually is a rogue, the
ones that find WiseFixer to be their only solution are
those who have no idea what they are looking for, thats
why the best thing they can do is to try to stay away from
downloads the have no idea what they are or what they do :-)
and second, for what i know "Null is null or not an object"
is not something that can be take care of by simple reset IE.
but if that worked thats okay, but 100% that doesn't fix that.

@Coding... i agree that your earlier suggestion that the problem may have been or is with the web page itself and not IE. however, since Gixmodon indicated that there was no issue using other browsers, it seemed logical to me to first address a possible IE issue. If this did not fix the issue, I would have suggested trying to access the site from another computer, using IE. If the problem did not follow other browers/computers, it would indicate that the issue is local with this specific browser, or profile. In any event, your suggestion was definately valuable and I agree that the reset button is not a "fix-all" solution.

It seems that this person looks to others by appearances :-)ignoring the meaning of the short comment that i posted there,all i did is try to see if i can help, but some people think thatpeople like me is in these places to probe who is the best or whothey are by getting peoples attention, or to show who knows more :-)sorry ITG, what ever i said, i didn't said it because of you, nop... me in my case when somebody become part of a question that i'am asking, even if he/she have no idea about my question, i show lot of respect for their time and effort for the help and support they give to my questions.when this person mentioned about the "WiseFixer" is when i realized how much he/she knows about the question that he/she was asking, but am glad the issue was fix.

For further clarification on my PAST issue. I could access the bank account using my iPhone and through Firefox. When the problem first started I called the bank and there tech checked my account and all was fine. And the party that mentioned the WiseFixer is correct, I was told that program would fix my problem. I am not a compute whiz at all, have by profession been required to use a computer and have learned a bit more than some but not as much as I would like to know. I used a MDT in patrol cars for years, did reports on a computer and that is what got me started.

Jorge M.was most helpful and had the reset in IE not repaired the problem he did have an alternative fix.

I greatly appreciate the help here and will continue to monitor threads in hope of learning from them.

May you all have a blessed weekend.

Best regards,

Don D.

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