I tried to load a disc from a magazine that had lots of tips
and useful programmes, but it wouldn't open.
Tried to download Windows Fix It For XP but was advised that
that my Toshiba Laptop cannot open exe. files.
Don't know what to do next.
Ran numerous checks to search for viruses or malware, but comes
up 100% clean every time.
Am at a loss to understand what is going on.
Would appreciate any help.

You are saying that your computer will not run a file with the extenstion .exe? What error message do you see on the screen?

Member Avatar for SirMG

Try copying the .exe file to your hard disk, then try installing it from there. If it doesn't install, reboot your computer and load OS in safe mode, press F8 after the first screen (Toshiba), if it works, then there is a program intefering with your OS, probably a virus.

check exe with a anti virus software. reinstall your exe.

"Tried to download Windows Fix It For XP but was advised that
that my Toshiba Laptop cannot open exe. files."
If you have downloaded it successfully, then change the.exe extension to .com, and try to run it. If .com extensions are currently accepted by your laptop (ie. not affected by your problem) then it will work.

whats going on after bouble clicking that .exe file?
Any error massage?

Thanks to all for replies.
Not sure how to answer each individual one.
Error message says:
Fix It Centre setup encountered an error.
An unexpected error has occurred.
Please close and try later.

SirMG: Would not know how to copy exe. file to hard disc.

mdabusufian checked with antivirus. Don't know how to reinstall exe.

gerbil: Not sure how to do that.

Sadun89: Error message explained above.

JorgeM: Please see above.

It is probably an archive packaged in an .exe. Is there no readme.txt file on the disc that gives step by step instructions for installing this disc?

I concur with SirMG that the problem is likely because you are trying to run this on the disc. Since discs are usually read-only, it may be failing when it tries to open temp files to run.

Use Windows Explorer ("My Computer") to view the files on disc. Control-A, Control-C will put them on your "Windows Clipboard". Then, still using Windows Explorer, create a folder on your C-Drive for this disc. Open the folder and Control-V to copy all the files into it. Then try running the setup program.

If that doesn't work, you can try opening it with 7zip (or any other ZIP archive program). It may just be a .zip file packaged in .exe form. 7zip can be downloaded at: http://www.7-zip.org/download.html

Best luck.

Thanks taskman.
Sorry for the confusion I appear to have caused.
Originally I tried to load a magazine disc.
When that did not load I tried downloading Windows Fix It to solve the problem.
Fix It Could not be downloaded.
Now the disc is loading, but Fix It still cannot be downloaded.
Maybe I should try Microsoft Support Centre?
I had problems downloading IE9 a while ago and they got it sorted.
Thanks again.

The trick on boards like this is to be very specific about your problem, because we cannot see your screen (obviously). What steps you took to get to the roadblock; what the error said (exactly); and some basic information on your system setup will help greatly.

Did you try downloading using an alternate browser? It may be a popup blocker or something.

I described the error information above.
I use a Toshiba laptop on the Firefox browser.
It has a 60 GB Hard Drive and a 1GB Memory.
It is Windows XP.
Will try an alternate browser as you recommend.
Think I did try IE, but will try again.
Definitely didn't work in Firefox.

Techno, don't be too fussed about Fixit Centre not working for you. It aint working. Fullstop. M$ is having problems with it. I tested it with Opera, Firefox and IE. "Fixit Centre encountered an error....".

Vey many thanks gerbil.
Good to know that.
I tried it with IE9 and Opera last night and, as you
would guess, it didn't work.

Can you still not open exe files, Techno?

The Fix It one is the one I was trying to open.
If you know of another one that would test the
system I would be happy to try it once it is safe.

Member Avatar for willis100

I have fixed this issue many times with a .com file that I would be glad to share with you. Attaching this type file is against the rules here so if you want it I will email it via link to my dropbox.

You can post the .com file inside an archive... eg .zip.
That way, execution involves definite steps by the individual, not just a single click.

commented: thank you +0
Member Avatar for willis100

Thank you gerbil. Here is the file Techno22. Worked for me in every case.

Many thanks willis100.
Thanks also to gerbil.
I am looking forward to trying out your suggestion, willis,
at the first opportunity.
Will let you know how it works out.
Very much appreciate the trouble you have taken.

Sorry to say that I am still unable to download the Fix It exe. file.
gerbil had a problem with it too, so maybe the problem is with
Microsoft rather than our machines.
Am very grateful for your help willis but unfortunately the link
did not cure the problem.
I will hold on to it, though, as it might come in useful some other
Many thanks.

Member Avatar for willis100

You're welcome but there was no link. The file to run was zipped.

Sorry willis.
Just stated the matter incorrectly.
Put it down, please, to inexperience.
Main thing is that I did try it and it didn't work.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to try it.

I think it is time to close this thread now.
Sincere thanks to all who responded.
Your contribution is much appreciated.
Best wishes.

But you are able to run other .exe files, right, Techno? That's the main thing.

All except the original, gerbil.
But that doesn't really matter at this stage.
Thanks a million for all your much valued help.

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