My mom encounterd this problem where she can get on facebook, but no other sites will work on her computer. We are currently using chrome (we have tried Firefox) and other computers on the network are not experencing the problem. I tried to fix the problem but I couldn't find anything wrong or out of the ordinary plus I did search google. I appreciate all the help I can get, and if you need any more info I'll suppy it as fast as possible.

Member Avatar for misi

Switch off temporarily her firewall and antivirus.

Any better?

I think you should try Saffari Browser.

currently i am using it. And it's good.

well i tried shuting off her firewall but nothing changed and she doesn't have an anti virus and i can't get saffari on to her computer as no internet and i have nothing to transfer it with

Member Avatar for misi

What kind of computer is it?

"other computers on the network are not experencing the problem"
That's strange.
Is it connected to the Net with an ethernet cable?

no all the computers are wireless and it's a windows 7 home premium and currently we're running an anti-virus on her computer.

P.S. sorry for late replys i have to go to school

Member Avatar for misi

I hope that that AV solved the problem

Well, the antivirus (avast) was the problem actruly I think she got a virus that affected that but once I turned it off the internet worked like it use to. so in the end I just decided to remove that anti-virus.

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