I've always had the taskbar at the bottom of the screen not at the top, and now all of a sudden it's at the top. Can someone tell me how to restore it the way I like to have it? I looked around but did not see anyone posting this topic. Thanks a lot!:confused:

Just left click and hold on a blank area of the task bar and drag it back to the bottom of the screen. If you are using XP you may need to right click on the task bar and uncheck 'Lock the Taskbar' first.

well right click on it and make sure it is unlocked if it isnt already. then u just click in the middle of it and drag it to the bottom of the screen.

I've always had the taskbar at the bottom of the screen not at the top, and now all of a sudden it's at the top. Can someone tell me how to restore it the way I like to have it? I looked around but did not see anyone posting this topic. Thanks a lot!:confused:

Thanks for responding, but I tried everything you suggested and it did not work. I clicked in an empty spot and tried to drag it, I tried the right click to see if the taskbar was not locked and nothing. Do you think I may have some bug that is not allowing me to change it? In that case what else can I try. Thank you!:confused:

Open the registry editor: Start, Run: regedit.
Navigate to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
On the right panel insure that the TaskbarSizeMove is 1.
Then try to move the taskbar again.

right click, unlock and drag

right click, unlock and drag

check post #4

Oh sorry, i was posting fom my handheld. Try rebooting and creating a new user and see if you can move the taskbar in it.

My start menu got shifted to the top all of a sudden.How to restore it back to the normal position

My start menu got shifted to the top all of a sudden.How to restore it back to the normal position

Do you realize you made a post to a thread that hasn't been active in over 3 years.

Start your own thread about your issue.

My start menu got shifted to the top all of a sudden.How to restore it back to the normal position

Hi and welcome to Daniweb,
If the fixes supplied above do not fix your machine, do as suggested and start your own thread with details about you machine, what you have installed, uninstalled etc, Os etc....

(Windows 7) Right click on empty area of taskbar, you will get a menu, bottom entry is "properties." Then go to "Taskbar location on screen."

Make sure taskbar is not locked. Right click on it and click on unlock and then drag from top to bottom.

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