I'm sure this will be a common problem, but can anyone help? The wifi on my laptop has suddenly stopped working. 2 smart phones and a PS3 are still using the house Wifi absolutely fine, and I am online now using a wired connection on my laptop. I feel like it might be a setting issue but can't think why it would suddenly occur... Maybe the wifi hardware is broken?

Any help would be massively appreciated.

Toshiba Satellite L350-145 with Windows Vista Home Premium (SP2) 32-bit OS.

Have you tried looking at the WIFI drivers?

i've looked in device manager and all appears to be working correctly. no error messages or evidence of things be out of sorts. I think I've even tried deleting the driver and getting the computer to reinstall it by itself...

Have you dropped the laptop? Chucked it on your bed? something like that? The network card might be loose

Here's something else to check...

My laptop allows me to put it in "airplane mode" by hitting a function key to temporarily disable the Wifi adapter. However, it still shows up a working component of the PC.

See if you have the Wifi indicator lit..

If your adapter is working, do you see any avaible wireless networks to connect to? If you try to connect what happens?

If this is a USB device then you may have run into the same problem that I and a number of others have in the past couple of years, especially with Windows 7 - the drivers stop operating properly. The only solution I have found is to remove ALL usb devices and hubs with the hardware manager, then reboot. The system will reinstall all the required drivers and the devices seem to work again. I have had this happen with USB drives, my USB keyboard/mouse wireless transceiver, and some other USB devices. We don't know what the root cause is, but this procedure has worked for all of us hit with this problem.

hi. thanks for all the posts. So the Wifi card is internal, not USB. There is an isolator switch on the front of the laptop, but it is switched to on, and the light is on.

From Network & Sharing Centre, the computer is able to detect wireless networks, including ours, but when connection is attempted, it simply won't. Windows offers 2 solutions: 'check for weak signal issues' (not likely as 3 other devices in the house are using the wireless signal fine) and 'connect to another network' (which is obviously without much use to me).

It is possible that I card is damaged maybe as we do move the laptop around but if that were the case, how would the computer be able to detect our network?

Thanks again to everyone.

It is possible that I card is damaged maybe as we do move the laptop around but if that were the case, how would the computer be able to detect our network?

Its possible that its partly damaged. Hard to say for sure, hence why you are getting a range of possible solutions to try.

i feel like its a settings thing but i don't know where to start.

If the card is damaged, what should I do? Head for local IT shop for repair?

i feel like its a settings thing but i don't know where to start.

I cant think of any other settings you would need to look at. Generally, when you have a device such as a wireless NIC, once the drivers are installed, you should be able to see wireless networks. The fact that you can seems good. When you try to connect..nothing happens. That's not good...but if you are autodetecting the SSID without any hard coded settings..there's nothing else that I can think of for to do with regard to settings.

If the card is damaged, what should I do? Head for local IT shop for repair?

Before I would buy anything, I'd test the OS by using an external wireless adapter. maybe you have one or a friend can lend you to test.

With regard to repairing an internal wireless component, check with the laptop vendor..it may be under warranty. If this becomes too costly and too much time, your best bet may be to purchase a usb wireless plug.

Ok thank you very much. I'll see if I can test it somehow. Hopefully someone I know has an external adapter. Thanks for your help. Really appreciated.

I'll let you know if there are any useful developments.

please keep us updated on new information or developments.

I purchased a USB wifi adapter and the problem has been solved. Very simple and relatively cheap solution. Many thanks for all you help in solving this.

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