i configure the level 2 of attachments in gpo and i indicate the extension that i dont want the use to open them , when a user receiver an attachment let say .zip an attachment wanrnig window pop up ( print screen ) how i can disable it ?

DO you want certain attachments blocked, or do you want the user to save them then open them.

If you remove the GPO and/or the Reg key it created, does the pop up go away?

actually i configured the remove extension level 2 policy in gpo and i mentioned the extension that should be blocked for the user but when the user received for example an email with zip attachement anbd try to open it he got this windows , iwant to block this windows also , in other worlds i want the user to see the attachment without the premission to open it or execute it or even save it to his disk

You may be asking too much from Outlook....

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