I want to be able to remotely reboot a windows 7 PC, reconnect it to network automatically and get its access using remote access/team viewer or something. Is that possible? And can it be done with account having password?

Assuming you are logged in with an account that has access to do this... from a remote system you can open a command prompt and shut down the target Windows 7 computer using the shutdown command.

shutdown /m \\target-computer-name /r /f /t 0

reconnect it to network automatically and get its access using remote access/team viewer or something.

I dont understand what you mean by this statement.

I mean after reboot wont I lose the connection to remote PC?

I mean after reboot wont I lose the connection to remote PC?

Of course you would lose the connection. The PC lost power. You would have to reconnect.

The alternative to this if you do not want to lose the connection, is to have an "out of band" managemnet card installed on the PC. You would connect to this card instead. This card is common in servers found in data centers. If you are familiar with HP equipment (for example), these cards are called "ILO" and it stands for integrated lights out. Connecting to an "ILO" card allows you to control the PC via browser. Its like standing in front of the PC. You can see the PC boot up, you can get into the BIOS, mount virtual media, anything you can do just as if you were in front of the computer.

commented: Thanks this can be what I require. +0

I think that you can do all that with team viewer and a program that will activate on startup, you can set your program to reactivate your connections and start team viewer program again...

I think that you can do all that with team viewer and a program that will activate on startup, you can set your program to reactivate your connections and start team viewer program again...

I was thinking same but from JorgeM's response I don't think that it will be possible. You can suggest if you know the solution.

@JorgeM I will be hosting a website on windows 7 using Apache and a java based project tracking web application called jira on Tomcat using reverse proxy method. For proper security solutions where should I look?

For proper security solutions where should I look?

Can you define proper security? Also you may want to create a separate thread so others with security experience may have interest to participate.

By proper I mean methods which are generally used in order to secure PC used as server. In my case less expensive solution is what will be looking for. I have created new thread here if you are interested to follow or participate.

Remote Support software like GoSupportNow or TurboMeeting automatically reconnect after the reboot to the Windows 7 PC, in this case, and the software lets you login to the newly rebooted computer.

Just my 2 cents here... I run Atlassian Jira/Confluence. Installing and running this on an ubuntu 14.04 was much easier than running on Windows. Have you evaluated using a linux platform instead?

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