I tried to start my laptop and i get this message

Error sending end of post to M.E

Status 0xc000000f
I tried to boot from windows 7 disk but it wont work either. I went into the bios and set the laptop to boot from cd first but it still wont run the cd when i start up.
Any help would be grateful

POST stands for Power On Self Test. If you are getting this message then you may have a hardware problem. Is there a boot option to boot into a diagnostic mode? If not then you may have to go to another computer and see if there is a stand-alone diagnostic disk available for download from the manufacturer for your computer. If you are unable to boot to a diagnostic disk (I don't know what you were trying to boot to from the CD) then it may be time for a trip to the repair shop. Some computers will emit a series of beeps to indicate a failure of a particular component. Are you getting any sounds during boot up?

there are no sounds when booting up, i tried to boot from windows 7 cd to do a system repair i can hear the disk going round but it wont open up

0xc000000f is the error code for "boot selection failed". The reason your Windows boot CD isn't working is because you didn't tell your system to boot from it.

During boot, press whatever Function button (F1-12) that takes you to the boot order, and move CD/Optical Drive to the top of the boot list.

I got into the bios and changed the boot order to cd rom.. I can hear the disc going round on boot but nothing happens just get this message

Error sending end of post to M.E

Is this a corporate (business) laptop? Because for obvious reasons we prefer not to advise on those. The Intel Management Engine Interface or IME is used for remote management, it controls boot security via password and access to some hardware systems as well as the OS. Can you turn it off in your BIOS?
You could have an ME firmware problem (it has its own BIOS settings, they may be password protected).
I don't know where the error code Status 0xc000000f is generated... perhaps the W7 boot manager?

No just an ordinary Packard Bell laptop. I dont have ime in the bios

I have IME (on a non-corporate laptop) and I've never had that issue.

It's possible that your cd/cd drive is faulty. Try a Windows USB bootdrive instead. To create one, get a 8GB+ flashdrive, plug it into a working computer and insert the Windows CD. Download PowerISO (or UltraISO or similar software) and find the Create Bootable USB drive under Tools/Options. From there simply select the CD drive as the source, then select the flashdrive as the destination, and start the creation process. It should take 10-50 minutes to complete, depending on your processing power, after that insert the flashdrive into your (faulty) laptop and try booting from it.

When I select cd drive as source I get 5 options to select,
Boot, efi, sources,support and upgrade what one di I select

Sorry I also get, auto run bootmgr, setup

windows 7 wont install on old laptops i think ;)

Windows 7 is already on the laptop

I've never heard of or had this issue myself, but it can't hurt to check some things. Get a copy of Hiren's Boot CD (It's free: http://www.hirensbootcd.org/) and run the included memtest. Also, if you are son inclined pick up a copy of sipnrite 6.0, sadly this is payware but it's worth the money. Sorry I can't be of more help.

The hire booted didn't work laptop switch off after 5 minutes after the cd loaded

Sorry, I dropped off the thread.
"When I select cd drive as source I get these options to select:
- Boot, efi, sources, support, auto run, bootmgr, setup and upgrade what one do I select?
Your system is set to not show extensions (and I think that is a bad option..); Setup is actually Setup.exe, so that was the one to dclick to commence setup.
Also, your cd drive was actually working; that you could read that list of folders and files means that your hardware (mb, hdd) is also working. But POST could not send its hardware list to the OS. I'm going with a software issue now... so what happened/happens when you dclick that setup.exe (your Setup) in the W7 dvd?

The laptop shuts after a few minutes by itself

Sounds like you may have an over heating issue. When you first start the laptop up can you feel air being blown out of the vent? If not you will have to open the laptop up and clean out the cooling system. If you are not absolutely %100 sure you can do this then you will need to take it to your local computer repair shop.
Once the laptop is able to stay on you will be able to diagnose the windows startup problem more thoroughly. My gut feeling is you either have data damage on the hard drive or the hard drive is physically faulty. Because of your problem with starting from cd, I suspect the latter to be more likely.

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