Am using toshiba satellite pro t130 when i turn it on the power led comes on and of again please help what will i do

This has to do with your laptop, not windows. Are you saying when you turn the laptop on, the led turns on, and when you turn the laptop off, the led turns off? What's the problem there?

This could be due to any number of reasons, but I would first check the RAM.
Try removing the RAM and rubbing an eraser over the contacts to clean them, then try re-inserting.

I wouldn't use an eraser like that! The eraser will leave behind small peices of "rubber?", not to mention the unsafe handling and the static.

I highly dout that some dirt in the ram bus is causing some light to go on while the rest of the computer is fine.

This is the problem in your laptop and not in the windows OS. So, it isbetter to take your laptop to a service center to resolve your problem.

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