Today I tried to install the Windows 10 Fall Creator's Update. It failed with the message


I found this peculiar because I don't have that application installed. I do have Macrium Reflect (Free) version 6 but certainly not Drive Image 7 (Powerquest).

As usual, clicking the Support link took me to a totally unrelated page. Has anyone else had a problem with the update?

By the way, clicking the Uninstall button produced


I tried Microsoft Chat Support. The first conversation went like this...

Thanks for contacting Microsoft support, my name is Ellie R.. Please allow me a few moments while I review the information you provided.
Hi Jim, thanks for patiently waiting. It seems that you simply want to update your Windows to the latest update


I've been trying to install the latest Windows updates. It fails, saying that an application is incompatible with the update. It says the application is "Drive Image 7" which I have never had on my computer. In fact, I haven't had any PowerQuest software on any computer.


No worries, you have me on the line now and we'll get this sorted out for you.


Just for the hell of it I opted to let MS Uninstall. It failed and said "you have to do it manually".


Alright I will be helping you with that.




Before we start, we provide mainstream support for download, install and activation issues of Windows. This means that you’ll definitely get a no charge technical assistance specifically to this issue.


Even better.


We also have other support options if ever your concern falls outside our mainstream support. We can discuss it with you later on if there's a need. For now, let's work together in performing some basic steps in resolving the issue.
For me to check it more further, can I do a remote access session on your computer and have it done for you? Would that be okay?


I'd prefer not.


Sorry about that, we just want to make sure that you get all the benefits that you are entitled to. Nonetheless, I'd still be willing to help you out.


I can do the tech stuff myself if you tell me. I did windows support for Manitoba Hydro for years before retiring.


I also have a Computer Science degree.


And 32 years experience.


To uninstall the program you need to go to Control Panel > Programs and Uninstall it from there.

Good to know that.


Uninstall what? I don't have Drive Image installed.


Never ever.


If the update detects it, it is somewhere in your programs Jim.


OK. Where?


Like I said, I've never had PowerQuest on any machines.


So where do you suggest I look?


I understand Jim but still the update detects it. So to check, go to Control Panel, Programs.


If Windows thinks I have it then it must exist in a list/registry entry somewhere


OK. Just a sec


This will take a sec since the last update removed Control Panel from the start menu.


Fortunately I have God Mode


oK. The list is up


Please check each program that can related to the program detected.


Nothing even remotely similar to Drive Image


I see, can you try searching for Driver Image using Start menu search?


For the search term "drive", all that comes up is the Windows 10 drive defragmenter


Sorry, also "update drivers" and "recovery drive"


Can you try to scroll and check if it will show up below the list?


No registry keys containing "drive image" either.


Don't have to. It all fits in the viewing window


There would be no way the windows detects it if it's not in your system.
Let me check if we can find an installer.


I disagree.


Unless Dell buried it in the system they built and then deliberately erased all visible traces. And why would they do that?


I have found some ways to uninstall it but you are right there would be no drive image in registry because it was not named after "drive image".


OK. What do you have?


To thoroughly delete its files, please follow the steps:

  • Run Registry Editor

  • Find and delete all registry entries of the program in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\eg ui

  • Find and delete all files of the program in system folders C:\Program Files\, C:\Document and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ and C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\Application Data.


of WHAT program?????

Message failed to send.


The only files on my computer containing both string "drive" and "image" are some vb samples that came with visual studio

Message failed to send.


sorry. Lost my connection momentarily


to repeat... of WHAT program??? The only files on my computer containing both string "drive" and "image" are some vb samples that came with visual studio


It's fine I am here.


You refer to "the program" but not what program.


I can't delete things if I don't know what they are.


Were you able to follow the registry path?


No problem but I still don't know what I am deleting.


what under HKCU\Software am I looking for?


If you are done with first one in the Registry, the second one would be just an option for you to check if there are files from it left.


Done what?


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\eg ui
Please let me know if you found the last folder.
You need to delete all reg entries under the last folder.


there is no egui


What are the folders under Current Version?


You really want me to type the dozens of entries? Seriously?


You can copy and paste them Jim. You do not need to manually type it of course.


If I knew how I would. How do you copy/paste a treeview?


If you have an uninstaller program this will be a lot easier Jim, even if the program isn't showing under Program, there should be files left from it that prevents you from updating.




The program that prevents you from updating, can you try to contact a support from their website for them to help you check and get rid of it? one thing is for sure, the update won't give you an error if that program isn't in your system.
We need an expert for this program that will help remove every part of it.
I know that you think you never installed the program but the error says it and it must be there.


You are just not getting it. I can't ask a vendor that I have never used to uninstall a program that is not on my computer.


If it there then you should be able to tell me how Windows is detecting it.


I get it, you wanna update your Windows but you are getting an error about this program that you think is not on your computer that is why, we need an assistance from them to help you check to where it might be saved so we can remove it.


I can't even say for certain it is PowerQuest. It just says "Drive Image 7" but does not identify the vendor.


As I checked it's from powerquest.
I am not sure about this as this is not our software.


So you would think that the string "powerquest" would appear somewhere in the registry. But it doesn't.


And there are no files on my system containing the strings "power" and "quest".


How many vendors do you know that would hide their software so completely?


I am not sure about that. Is there a way to skip the error message and do the force upgrade?
As we are not able to find this ghost program.


Why are you asking me that?


I mean on the upgrade window
Are you seeing to skip that part?


I did a screencap of the two pop-ups. Neither has that option.


By the way, the "support" link took me to a totally unrelated page.


Did you try the update now option from this link


It's going to take quite a while. How about I leave, then come back later when it fails?
That will normally take a while so please use the link below...

commented: Best laugh I've had since last I tried to use Microsnot 'support' chat :-) +16

That was followed by yet another long wait while the updates download for the third (or fourth) time. When it failed again, this time with the oh so useful


I tried chat again. Here is how that went...

Hanna P

Thanks for contacting Microsoft support, my name is Hanna P. Please allow me a few moments while I review the information you provided.
7:48 pm

Hanna P

Hi there!@
7:48 pm

Hanna P

Welcome to Microsoft!
7:48 pm


RE: 1401662545
7:48 pm

Hanna P

Please allow me a few moments while I review the information you provided.
7:48 pm

Hanna P

Hi there Jim...
7:49 pm

Hanna P

Thank you for patiently waiting
7:49 pm


Take your time. When I tried the web install I got "Something went wrong" and error number 0xc1900208.
7:49 pm

Hanna P

Just to verify, the concern that we have here is that you're trying to update your Windows 10, is that right?
7:49 pm


7:50 pm

Hanna P

Oh, okay...
7:51 pm

Hanna P

Thank you for the verification
7:51 pm


And naturally, Microsoft does not provide a way to save the downloaded update files so every time I try the update I have to wait for yet another massive download to complete. Thanks Microsoft.
7:51 pm

Hanna P

Oh, sorry for that inconvenience...
7:51 pm

Hanna P

Jim, I will provide "One Time Courtesy" support for your issue, we also have self-help options if that's what you prefer . After resolving your issue we can also discuss our service plans that will allow you to maximize your Microsoft services.
7:52 pm

Hanna P

To help better and for faster troubleshooting, may I assist you over a remote session?
7:52 pm


7:52 pm


The last time I let a tech remote in I had to reload my system from a saved image.
7:52 pm


I'm a geek. Just talk me through it.
7:52 pm

Hanna P

7:54 pm

Hanna P

I see... thank you for letting me know about this...
7:55 pm

Hanna P

For this case, may I know what can you see on the update?
7:55 pm


The first time (through Windows Update) it failed, complaining about incompatible software, to wit, Drive Image 7, which I have never installed or used.
7:56 pm


It doesn't appear anywhere on my system. Then when I tried the web install it failed with the error message I gave earlier, "something went wrong".
7:57 pm


That really needs improving.
7:57 pm


7:57 pm

Hanna P

Oh, okay...
7:57 pm


The window is still up with "Try Again" as an option.
7:57 pm

Hanna P

Thank you for this one...
7:58 pm

Hanna P

If I may ask, the web install that you're referring to, may I know from what link is that?
7:58 pm

7:58 pm

Hanna P

Oh, I see
8:00 pm

Hanna P

...Just to verify, may I know what did you choose between the option "upgrade now" and "download tool now"
8:01 pm


I was told to click "Upgrade Now"
8:02 pm

Hanna P

Oh, okay...
8:02 pm

Hanna P

For this one, Jim, instead of clicking "Upgrade now" can you please select "Download Tool now" instead
8:03 pm


It's going to download the update again, isn't it?
8:03 pm

Hanna P

Yes... But for this one, what we really going to do is to download the Media Creation Tool that has ISO on it to fully upgrade your Windows 10
8:05 pm


I don't want to upgrade to Windows 10. I already have Windows 10. I want to install the latest update.
8:06 pm

Hanna P

Oh, I totally understand that one...
8:06 pm

Hanna P

Else, this process will also reinstall all the latest updates that's needed for your Windows 10
8:07 pm


8:07 pm

Hanna P

Just to give you a heads up, it will take time depending on your internet connection speed and the performance of your computer.
8:08 pm


No kidding. This is the fifth or sixth time I've download the update.
8:08 pm

Hanna P

I do apologize for this inconvenience that you're having...
8:09 pm

Hanna P

Else, I can guarantee you that after this process, you're concern about your updates will be fully fixed
8:09 pm


I'm a little skeptical at this point but I'll give it a try. TTYL.
8:10 pm

Hanna P

For this process that we're doing which we called "In-place Upgrade" is the process that we use when our customer's having problem with installing updates
8:10 pm

So I tried downloading the in-place upgrade. That got me the same error as the first time but in purple.


So it's back to chat once again tonight.

commented: heh, at least is in purple +15

You can download Microsoft Windows and Office Creation Tool from the link below. It will allow you to download an ISO to create Windows 10 Install/Upgrade DVD. At least then you wouldn't have to keep downloading the update multiple times. The Windows 10 Build 1709 Creators Fall Edition is available in 32 & 64 Bit

The next session went like this...

Anne B

Thanks for contacting Microsoft support, my name is Anne B. Please allow me a few moments while I review the information you provided.
10:01 pm


reference number: 1401662545
10:01 pm

Anne B

Hi Jim. Please give me 2-3 minutes to check the case number.
10:01 pm


10:01 pm

Anne B

Thank you for patiently waiting, upon checking the case number you are having issues with installing update on your device. Is this correct?
10:03 pm


Issues is the polite way of putting it.
10:03 pm

Anne B

I understand.
10:04 pm

Anne B

As we proceed, please note that we can provide a No-Charge support for your concern about installing update, we also have self-help options if you wish too. We can talk about our Service Plan in case you're interested, but let’s resolve your issue first! Here's your case number as well for our session today: 1401662545
10:04 pm

Anne B

To help better and for faster troubleshooting, may I assist you over a remote session?
10:04 pm


I'm going to say no. The last time I let a tech remote in I had to reload my system from a saved image to undo the damage. I have a Comp Sci degree, 32 years experience programming & many years Windows desktop support so I am capable of following directions.
10:05 pm

Anne B

That was good to know, Jim and no worries, I will just walk you through the troubleshooting steps.
10:07 pm


10:07 pm

Anne B

Let us reset the Windows Update Components. It reset and repair all Windows Update related components and registry keys it also detects corruptions, replace corrupted system files and fix corrupted system image This usually solves Windows update related problem.
10:07 pm


10:08 pm

Anne B

Pull up command prompt admin and run these commands, Jim:

net stop bits
net stop wuauserv
net stop appidsvc
net stop cryptsvc
net start bits
net start wuauserv
net start appidsvc
net start cryptsvc
10:08 pm

Anne B

Please tell me once you're done.
10:09 pm


10:11 pm

Anne B

10:12 pm

Anne B

We are going to run an automated troubleshooter, it is a tool developed by Microsoft to fix a specific problem with your PC. These troubleshooter are designed to fix minor problems and is useful in saving us time and effort.
10:12 pm


windows update troubleshooter?
10:12 pm

Anne B

Yes please. Please tell me what will be the result, Jim. :)
10:12 pm


OK. It's running.
10:13 pm

Anne B

Thank you, Jim.
10:14 pm


It's telling me that I have pending updates. That's kinda the thing I'm trying to fix here. So apply (I think not) or skip (more likely)?
10:15 pm

Anne B

Please click on apply and if it will ask for a restart, kindly save this link
10:17 pm

Anne B

first so we will be able to reconnect.
10:17 pm

Anne B


10:17 pm


If I click on Apply is it going to try to download the whole update again? I've already done it five times and I have it on a USB stick.
10:18 pm


10:19 pm

Anne B

Nope. It won't take long, Jim.
10:20 pm


Are you sure? It says it is going to re-download the updates. That doesn't reassure me.
10:21 pm

Anne B

This might just take up to 3-5 minutes depends on the speed of the internet connection. If you want, you can just click Skip.
10:23 pm


I'll try it.
10:23 pm


It's done. Now what?
10:24 pm

Anne B

May I know what is the result please?
10:25 pm


Service registration is missing or corrupt - fixed
Potential Windows Update Database error detected - fixed
Windows Update components must be repaired - fixed
check for pending updates - fixed
10:27 pm

Anne B

Thank you. Now, we have to restart the PC first so the troubleshooting steps will take effect. We will be trying to update Windows again after a restart. Please use the rejoin URL for us to reconnect. Wait for it until it reconnects you to me.
10:29 pm


ok. TTYL
10:30 pm

and resulted in this...


Once more unto the breach...

Mary Grace B

Thanks for contacting Microsoft support, my name is Mary Grace B. Please allow me a few moments while I review the information you provided.
5:30 am


5:30 am

Mary Grace B

Hi! I can see here that I am chatting with Jim. Hope you are doing well. I can see here that you have issue with installing update in Windows 10 and have been assisted with different technician to assist you methods on how to apply possible resolution and you even have the Windows 10 download to your USB, I would like to confirm after trying the Update Now option, do you still have an issue installing updates?
5:36 am


I'm still getting told to uninstall Drive Image 7. And now I've downloaded the update six times and wasted a lot of bandwidth and the major part of a day.
5:37 am

Mary Grace B

Alright, thanks for the added information for your concern, if I may ask is your computer originally have Windows 10 or is it preinstalled with Windows 7?
5:38 am


Pre-installed with Windows 10. I haven't even seen Drive Image 7 since long before I retired in 2008.
5:40 am


It's a Dell Inspiron 5759.
5:41 am

Mary Grace B

Thanks for the heads up, I understand that you have been checking all possible ways on how to detect the Driver Image 7 from your system however unable to fully locate and search the correct path registry since it is use for backing up file for hard drive and operating system.
5:44 am


Fully locate? I can't find any trace of it on my system.
5:45 am


Before we continue, is there any way to download the update so that I can repeatedly try to install it from a local copy instead of going through this pointless download?
5:49 am

Mary Grace B

I understand the Drive Image 7 is a backup program of windows 7. Usually this would show if windows 7 was preinstalled on the device and was upgraded to windows 10. Although you have your computer with Windows 10, the manufacturer have set that Drive from your reserved partitions as a backup for Windows 7.
5:51 am

Mary Grace B

Also you can check the KB update manually from the Microsoft Update Catalog using Internet Explorer:
5:52 am

Mary Grace B

You can download and install the KB update manually from there.
5:53 am

Mary Grace B

Or if you would like to completely uninstall the Drive Image 7 you can simply perform Reset PC from Recovery although this option will cause you to have your third party applications or programs not default apps of Windows 10 to be uninstalled.
5:54 am

Mary Grace B

By the way, we do have the very same case number as reference to our chat session today: 1401662545. It includes the information about your concern. I will also be sending you an email with your case number attached to it.
5:54 am


You want me to reset my laptop to factory? Seriously?
5:56 am

Mary Grace B

I am just giving you options so you can uninstall the Drive Image 7 since there are different methods on how to uninstall it from your system and I can simply send you them through email instructions.
5:57 am


What is the KB for the fall creator's update?
5:57 am


But if you have instructions on how to uninstall DI7 I'm all ears.
5:57 am

Mary Grace B

Or you can simply manually update the KB for the fall creator's update, let me get it real quick from my end.
5:58 am


BTW, since (as you say) DI7 came pre-installed with my laptop, resetting to factory would just leave it still installed.
5:58 am


If you have the instructions I'll do it manually.
5:59 am

Mary Grace B

By the way, we will not perform Factory Settings, rather Reset PC option only so it will technically uninstall all programs that are not default apps of Windows 10 while keeping all your important files safe.
6:01 am

Mary Grace B

Also, if that is not a convenient option for you then I will simply send you all the possible commands or methods on how to uninstall Drive Image 7 from your system since they will take some time to perform.
6:01 am

Mary Grace B

Also here is the KB update: : KB4043961 (OS Build 16299.19)
6:02 am


I'll take door number two. Reinstalling and reconfiguring all my applications would be an issue.
6:02 am


I'm currently downloading an msu file. What do I do with it once downloaded?
6:04 am

Mary Grace B

Once the KB update is fully downloaded, simply click on it and it will prompt for an option to Install.
6:05 am

Mary Grace B

Alright then, I appreciate all your time and cooperation about this as well. Let me just prepare the email instructions so you can fully check it from your end and thoroughly check them and know which ones where already applied and the steps that you may further perform from your end.
6:05 am

Mary Grace B

Will you please confirm your most active email for me to send the steps?
6:05 am


Please include "all the possible commands or methods on how to uninstall Drive Image 7 from your system"
6:06 am

Mary Grace B

Absolutely will do.
6:06 am


email id <snip>
6:06 am

Mary Grace B

Thank you very much Jim, let me have at least 2-3 minutes as I complete the instructions for you.
6:06 am


6:07 am

Mary Grace B

Thank you very much for patiently waiting, I have now completed the email instructions and it even includes the Image Drive Support for the program uninstaller which you can simply check as well. Please do expect to receive the email within 3 minutes time after we formally close the chat.
6:12 am

Mary Grace B

Before we close this chat and while you are waiting for the email. Would you say that I was able to provide you enough information to begin self-help options to lead us with the resolution and consider this case as resolved for now with your first interaction with me?
6:13 am


I'll be watching.
6:13 am

Mary Grace B

Sure please do. Alright, thank you even more for all your time and patience working with me today, you have been wonderful!
6:13 am


Begin self-help option? Yes. But seeing as how this is my fourth chat session I'm still a little skeptical as to the outcome. But, fingers crossed.
6:14 am


Thanks for the help.
6:14 am

I downloaded and ran the msu and got "the update is not applicable to your computer". The "detailed" uninstall instructions consisted of

  • go to control panel (which the last update removed from the start menu)
  • select "Drive Image 7"
  • uninstall it

<waits for comments about wiping it and installing a Linux distro as a solution...>

And I haven't posted the last three tries (it still is not resolved). So far the best they can offer is "do a clean install then reinstall your apps". I suppose they think 2-3 apps is all anyone should need, just like they thought 640k would be enough memory.

Here we are again. I have now gone through

-Hanna P
-Anne B
-Mary Grace B
-Renabesh M
-John L
-Jenolyn R

It was Jenolyn who finally stated (with no evidence whatsoever) that "obviously" Dell had installed some component that was being detected as Drive Image 7. Plausible, but unsupported by any evidence.

In any case I decided to just do a clean install with a windows.iso provided by M$ which included the Fall Update (or FU as I now refer to it).

It installed cleanly (so I thought) but as soon as I started cleaning the crap off the start menu I ran into problems. Trying to add/move a new item resulted in the start menu disappearing. Upon re-opening it I saw thecrap had returned. That's when Leonard got involved. After several tries on his part to fix it I simply responded


I'm trying a clean install again.

This is bullshit.

The clean install is mostly done and things are mostly working but it's like being told that in order to fix a leaky tire I have to completely rebuild my car. It took me only two days.

Do you think, It is Possible

Don't bother Jim, all his posts are one liners that make little sense (or at least add no value) in context.

The final tally on the rebuild is that I have the latest udates installed. However, I now have four copies of RavBG64.exe (video) and six copies if RTBroker.exe (some MS hack for managing the new universal apps). Also, sixty-four copies of svchost.exe. I realize that there will usually be multiple copies of this running but 64 seems excessive.

Perhaps it's time to start thinking about using Linux? Never had a headache like that in the last 20 years!

Yeah. I read all about your experience in this thread. In my case I blame Dell more than I blame Microsoft.

I know this is an old thread, but posted in case it helps someone else in the future.
I had an identical issue when trying to update to the most recent version of Windows 10.
I resolved it as follows without having to completely re-install the operating system:

  1. Open the hidden folder - C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Panther\
  2. Sort by date and find the file named - <some symbols>_APPRAISER_HumanReadable.xml

  3. This is the setup log in XML format
  4. Open in notepad and search for string

    <Property Name="DT_ANY_FMC_BlockingApplication" Value="TRUE"

  5. This string is located in the section - <PropertyList Type="DecisionMaker">
  6. Move up some strings and there'll be a section - <Asset>
  7. The program path of the blocking app is found in -

    <PropertyList Type="Inventory">
    <Property Name="LowerCaseLongPath" Value="c:\program files\some program path\some_program_name.exe" />

  8. In my case the issue was with - C:\MyDataFiles\Powerquest\V2I-Browser\PQIBrowser.exe
    This was being detected as incompatible program - Drive Image 7

  9. Un-Install the program or rename the program .exe file to .ex_
  10. Refresh and run setup again
  11. Repeat these steps for all strings found for the - <Property Name="DT_ANY_FMC_BlockingApplication" Value="TRUE" - value

Original answer for this was found here

I fixed the link. I think the problem occurs when the URL spans multiple lines. If you paste a link using MarkDown syntax it works. You can do that by typing a link name in square brackets followed immediately by a URL in parentheses as in [name](URL)

Thanks very much!
Problem installing Windows Feature Update to Windows 10, version 1803 (April 2018 Feature update)
Solved May 11, 2018. Strange. The update searched for any old .exe files on the system not compatible with the upgrade (including non-system areas such as the D: drive).

However, the error message stated that Drive Image 7 was installed on the system, which was incorrect.
Found two PowerQuest exe files now renamed as PQIBROWSER.EXE_saveMay11_2018 related to the old Drive Image 7 on my system (on the D: drive). They are stored here:
D:\Users\dadmin\Downloads\Dell_WXP\PowerQuest\Drive Image 7.0\EXECUTE
D:\Users\dadmin\Downloads\Dell_WXP\PowerQuest\Drive Image 7.0\I386\EXECUTE

Update finished after files renamed. Rebooted. All ok.

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