Recently, I am unable to go to load the web pages for Macys or Kmart. When I try to access them, I either receive a message stating that Internet Explorer Cannot Display the Web Page or I am sent to the search display menu where the website is listed and I still cannot access the site.

My son's computer has a wireless connection to mine and he is able to access those sites, therefore it must be something with my computer, not the internet provider. I have Windows XP Home Edition, Internet Exploer 7. I ran different programs to check for viurses, spyware, etc. as well as ccleaner. Microsoft's website was not helpful. Please help, this is minor but very annoying.:rolleyes:

My number one thought is security settings.

The site is probably trying to do something that violates your settings for the level of trust the browser finds.

Your son may have weakened his security settings to be able to get into a site.

It could also be that the site wants something (such as Java) which you have shut off.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary with the security settings. Should I be looking for something specific? I tried some of Microsoft's suggestions with regard to scripting but they didn't work. I can load Sears, but not Kmart. Weird.

What was the resolution to this problem? I am having the same issue and I don't know how to fix it.

No, sounds like a DNS Problem to me. If you system is not able to correctly resolve domain names to IP adresses then it can often lead to a situation where you can only visit sites which you have previously visited. Check your network setup. If it still does not work try right clicking on the connection in network connections (control panel) and choosing Repair.

I was having the same issues with the macys website. It was driving me nuts b/c the macys wedding channel website and other macys/federated sites worked.

The solution is to connect directly to the LAN if you are on wireless. If you are on wireless, try to repair the network connection (that didn't work for me but it might for you).

Finally I can shop online and/or print my macys savings passes!

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