hey guys,

I am running server2003 on my laptop at home. I just installed a printer and I'm wanting to share it to my brothers; one with PC, the other with a macbook.

I've set up user accounts for both of them, but when they attempt to login through the network it gives an error. If the admin account is accessed all is well. I'm sure this is a really simple fix; any help is greatly appreciated!


are the user accounts password protected?


make them password protected, set passwords up on the server, and on the machines, everything will work

Why do they need password protection? Even if I have the Password Authentication policies disabled?

because its silly not to have passwords

because with passwords there is no need to play around with disabling them, and it's more secure
just try it

Ok I'll try.

Security isn't an issue though.. since it's my brothers. xD

Ok I'll try.

Security isn't an issue though.. since it's my brothers. xD

it is an issue for the os :)

its designed to be secure. you just make it harder for yourself when you try to circumvent it

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