Hi there, when I tried to start my computer the dreaded blue screen came up to say that it was being shut down due to a problem.The quoted Stop is:-
0x0000008E (0xC000000C, 0xF8671EB0, 0xF8B0D19D, 0x00000000)

Atapi.sys - Address F8671EB0 base at F865F000, datestamp 41107b4d

I've been looking thro' threads on this site but been unable to find an exact match to the codes.

Everytime that I try to restart in Safe Mode or any of the alternatives, the same problem occurs, so I am unable to download anything to the affected computer. Fortunately, I have another computer to pick up any help in the matter, which would be greatly appreciated.

When the faulty computer was last shut down everything was working perfectly and no new programs had been installed.

SP2 is installed. Following some other comments on these Forums, I have removed the 2x256 RAMs indpendantly and tried to restart but still get the blue screen - however with either RAM the error code is 0x000000F

Because I cannot get past the blue screen, I am not able to download anything to the problem computer.

First check the BIOS settings to see if they agree with the contents of the computer. If they are weird, the backup battery is suspect (if present).

Try disconnecting all of the following. Then reconnect them one at a time (with power off) in the following order:

0. Try all disconnected first. You will get either the message above (motherboard or video is bad) or a message saying the hard disk or keyboard can't be found.

1. The keyboard (you should get a no hard drive error).

2. The hard disk (you should get a different error if the hard disk is removed than if it has failed).

3. Accessory cards in the computer. Insert them one at a time.

4. External accessories. Put them back one at a time.

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