
I am having problems with Outlook 2000 (PC). Often, I have to restart my computer 3 times before I can get Outlook to launch! Either the program hangs/freezes on the splash screen when i try to launch it, or it freezes when I try to switch from 1 folder to another folder in my inbox. No error messages, it just freezes. Or I get an hour glass and "Not responding" on top of window. I tried "repair" option in Outlook but it didnt help.

Hence...I want to uninstall and reinstall Outlook. But I'm afraid I will lose all my email, contacts, sent mail (and it is crucial that I don't); Any suggestions? Please???

as such, if you orderly remove outlook and reinstall it, the pst files should remain. if you're working with an exchange server, your email database is on the server, so it's even better.
to be on the safe side, I'd save the outlook folder containing the PST/OST files, and/or export all folders from outlook to pst files somewhere, to import them after the reinstall, if the email dbase gets lost.

and upgrade that old thing to 2003-2007 already :)


I am having problems with Outlook 2000 (PC). Often, I have to restart my computer 3 times before I can get Outlook to launch! Either the program hangs/freezes on the splash screen when i try to launch it, or it freezes when I try to switch from 1 folder to another folder in my inbox. No error messages, it just freezes. Or I get an hour glass and "Not responding" on top of window. I tried "repair" option in Outlook but it didnt help.

Hence...I want to uninstall and reinstall Outlook. But I'm afraid I will lose all my email, contacts, sent mail (and it is crucial that I don't); Any suggestions? Please???

Did you use original Office disc 2 to do the repair?


I am having problems with Outlook 2000 (PC). Often, I have to restart my computer 3 times before I can get Outlook to launch! Either the program hangs/freezes on the splash screen when i try to launch it, or it freezes when I try to switch from 1 folder to another folder in my inbox. No error messages, it just freezes. Or I get an hour glass and "Not responding" on top of window. I tried "repair" option in Outlook but it didnt help.

Hence...I want to uninstall and reinstall Outlook. But I'm afraid I will lose all my email, contacts, sent mail (and it is crucial that I don't); Any suggestions? Please???

Products by Microsoft have many flaws for safe majors you need to take backup of outlook files. if it start freezes and after some time it will stop working. http://www.bibleknowledgebookstore.com/jewelry.html

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