A sound keeps coming up on my computer.....and others that I use...I'm pretty sure it's an ad of some kind. It's like 2 seconds of the Start Me Up song by Rolling Stones. It happens whether I'm online or not, even if no Apps are running. Nothing comes up on Adaware, and the problem doesn't go away with constant runs of CCleaner Can anyone help on this topic?

I'am a big fan of adaware ,but its also recommended that you use SPYBOT also .get it and a lot of other good programs at

Xoftspy is another good program to get rid of spyware and adware. Also get registry mechanic or something to that effect. Just to make sure you don't have anything in your registry that the spyware software won't get rid of.

Yeah that didnt do it. Ive always had Adaware, Spybot, CCleaner, RegCleaner, and Avira...but alas none of those did the trick.... Have you heard this soudn before? Any other suggestions?

A sound keeps coming up on my computer..

hello,how often is the sound made,,there is a program out there called whats running ,it might indicate a program running in the background making the sound .

Also look at the sysinternals tools: They were so good Microsoft bought the company :-)

hi, you said that it happens even though there's no app running, if the sound came out check the windows task manager if you can detect any suspicious program that is running, it's kinda hard to determine which is which, but i think it will give you some hint..if you suspect something then look for that file..hope this helps..

Well...I feel like an idiot. I fianlly figured out what it is. It's freakin AIM. Whenever one of my friends logs in it plays the sound. Thank god for customizing the settings.

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