Hello, I am running xp and using a Lexmark x75 print trio printer. The printer was working fine, until recently. I changed the black ink cartridge and ever since then it is not working.

The problem I am having is that it does not print anything I have on my computer. It will go through the motions but the paper comes out completely blank.

The weird thing is that I can print a textpage through the printer. However when I go to print a test page through xp it does not print the only thing that comes out is a small microsoft symbol. :sad: Please help. Ps I reinstalled all my drivers twice.

Is this though USB?

Is this though USB?

Yes it is via my usb port. Oh and yes I did remove the sticky tape from the tip.

have you tried the other stuff on the link I provided? namely:

Clean the cartridge nozzles
Clean ("wick") the cartridges
Reset the ink levels

have you tried the other stuff on the link I provided? namely:

I am going to try that stuff tonight. Please stay tuned. Thank you

have you tried the other stuff on the link I provided? namely:

Ok I reset the levels and cleaned the jets. Unfortunately it is still not working. I can print color pages perfectly. I also printed a test page and it came out almost as the one pictured however the black ink is missing from the test page.

Some of the black parts of the test page are extremely faint and or missing. I have come to the conclusion that the black ink cartridge purchased through abcink.com is faulty. :mad:

was it one of those compatible cartidges? if so then that's more than likely...

was it one of those compatible cartidges? if so then that's more than likely...

It looks more like a refill deal. I can see Lexmark stamped on the cartridge but over it they placed a sticker that says that this replaced the lexmark cartridge.

I h8 refills... ;)

I h8 refills... ;)

Yeah I hate refills now too. I was trying to save a buc and it came back to bite me. Any ideas where i can purchase some oem ink cartridges without spending an arm and a leg.

Some printer cartriges have some sort of timer in it so even if you did fill it, it still wont work. That is why my last printer I got, I made sure that the printer cartrige did not have the print head embedded on it. Its a Cannon printer and I filled it up many time already. Not only that, but the cartriges are cheaper to buy if they dont have the print heads on it.

Disadvantage ofcourse is that when the heads get clogged you have to spend ages cleaning them...
What country are you in? In the UK OEM Lexmark Cartridges are quite expensive everywhere.

True, they are harder to clean:o.

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