I can no longer write to CDs using Windows XP and get the message "Drive E: is not accesible". When I go into properties for the drive there is no option available to enable recording. This was available before and I have no trouble writing to CD using Nero 8. As I have only recently installed Nero 8 I assume that the problem started after that installation. I don't really want to have to go through uninstalling Nero and reinstalling it if I can help it. If I have to, I have to, but does anyone have another solution?

in nero check if there is a setting to use atapi. make sure that not check, i beleive it say only use if your drive supprt it or if u have errors when burning

Thank you for once again trying to help me with my problems. I am sorry to be a bit stupid, but how do I find the settings in Nero 8. I don't seem to be having any luck. Can you help me?

this may sound crazy ,bu the quickest check would be to uninstall nero and reinstall you old version of nero or what ever you used before nero8

Thanks Caperjack. I am sure you are right. I will do that later today, Australian time, and let you know what happens.

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