I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit on my main machine. Randomly it will drop its internet connection and display that it is connected to "Network 9", and has local access only, and indeed the computer has no working internet connection. A reboot of the network adapter temporarily fixes the issue.

I'm wondering what could cause such behavior, and of course, how to fix it.

Sounds like you are using a wireless connection. Low Signal or interference will do that. A common problem is wireless land-line phones that operate on 2.4Ghz Range (or your neighbors).

If your router and adapter support 802.11n or 802.11b, they operate on 5Ghz. 802.11b would be very slow though.

Good Luck

Actually it is a wired connection. Sorry I didn't mention that before.

How long is the run? Should not more that 300ft.

I would check the connections.
Is it wired to a wall-plate?
What type of cable is used (printed on it)?
Do other wired connections have the same issue?

When you say "network adapter," what do you mean? Discribe the connections and equipment at your location. Start with your ISP type.

I have Eastlink Extreme 15 internet. The cable comes in and connects to their modem. Cat 5 ethernet cable (2-3ft) connects the modem to a D Link 604 router. Then my machine connects to the router using a 50ft Cat 5 cable.

Network adapter would be the NIC card I'm assuming, its a term Vista uses. Though it is integrated into my motherboard, not a separate card.

It should be noted that I had the same issue from time to time while living in university residence. The setup was basically the same, except I hooked my router into the universities network, and didnt have to employ the 50ft cable.

There hasn't been any issues with other wired connections.

Ok. You used the correct term (one of many) for the network adapter. I just didn't want to be thinking in the wrong direction since some people will make up their own names for things. Thanks for clarifying.

If no other devices on the network seem to be affected, then you would be correct to look at the NIC. Do you have the latest drivers from the manufacturer?

If you find yourself questioning yourself about the router, it is common for low-end routers to have the same symptoms. I have done a lot of research on it and really haven't found a good reason, but I always have a theory! Your router by default will use DHCP to assign IP addresses. When connecting and reconnecting (you or neighbors or friends) causes the all the IP addresses to run out. I have found success in shortening the lease interval (if that setting is editable), setting up wireless security, and/or scheduling a router reboot for each night (or as often as is practical).

You could eliminate the DHCP issue for troubleshooting purposes, by assigning a static IP that is outside the DHCP range. If the problem still occurs, your could disable the onboard NIC and install another.

If you have any questions, or isolate the problem, post back here!

Update: I installed a PCI NIC, and disabled the on-board NIC. So far no problems.

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