Hi, I just joined being quite inexperienced with networking computers and hoped that some of you experts might be willing to explain some basics for me. I have an older G4 desktop connected online via broadband ethernet, and I just bought a near new G4 1.67 Ghz powerbook on EBay that I'd like to get online wirelessly in the fastest but cheapest way possible. What are my options... should I assume there's an airport card in the powerbook already, or how would I check? Also, what kind of gear do I need... is it a base station or wireless router or both? If a base station, will Airport Express do the trick or do I need Extreme... both appear to get up to 54Mbsp but I'm unsure about the connections. Maybe a little more complicated is that both my cable TV and my cable internet modem use the same cable from the wall using a splitter.
Thank you for letting me join your forum, wish I had something to offer in return.

We all have something to offer, maybe you can offer advice to a mac newbie who is shopping for a used G4 sometime.

On your networking question:
- first the splitter is no problem, I would leave it in place and leave the cable going into the cable modem.

- at the cable modem I would plug in a router with a built in wireless "access point" and switchports, linksys or something of the sort, you should be able to buy one most places for under 100$.

- plug your desktop into a switchport

- then do this in order:
1) power down the desktop, the router, and the cable modem
2) power up the cable modem
3) power up the router
4) power up the desktop

- if the desktop can't hit the internet begin troubleshooting this, post it here if your ISP is not cooperative.

- once the desktop is up and running fire up the laptop, it looks like all new G4 ibooks have built in wireless, see if it is turned on by default

- if it doesn't connect post back here and maybe someone can get you to the menu to turn it on.

This isn't all the answers but it should get you going down the right road. If anyone here is a mac fan and sees something wrong please post it!

Thanks for this advice so fast, will look into it. Assuming that the Linksys will work with Macs? PC equipment never advertises Mac compatibility, but sometimes it works.

Thanks for this advice so fast, will look into it. Assuming that the Linksys will work with Macs? PC equipment never advertises Mac compatibility, but sometimes it works.

It is just a ethernet switch / AP with 802 compliance. If people use macs at an internet cafe, they are probably using these or Dlinks.

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