Dear Experts

I use Hub, 4 computer are attached with this networking.
PC1, PC2 and PC3 has windowsXP
PC4 has Windows7

I do this procedure ON PC1

1) Right click on my computer
2) Mapnetwork drive
3) Brow
4) Workgroup

Here i could not see PC4, which has winodws 7

How to show this PC?

On the XP systems go to Your network connections and add in the protocol for NETBOIS IPX/SPX. You won't need a CD or disk. It is what windows systems need to be able to see each other on a network.

On the XP systems go to Your network connections and add in the protocol for NETBOIS IPX/SPX. You won't need a CD or disk. It is what windows systems need to be able to see each other on a network.

Sir, NETBOIS IPX/SPX is not located in local area connection's properties.
Where to find it?

Click install and then Protocol and the NETBIOS...

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