I am running windows SBS 2008 with exchange 2007 WINS and obviously DNS and DHCP installed and configured. For some reason when I do ipconfig /all in cmd on cient computer my domain seems to be in twice on the DNS suffix search list and can't understand why.

Any help is appreciated.



check your TCP/IP configuration, advanced properties, DNS tab. Make sure your settings are correct.

Thanks for getting in touch. Ive jst looked at them settings and there does not appear to be any entries in advanced settings. The ip address and dns information is pulled from DHCP. Any other ideas that may be helpful?



Did you check your DHCP scope (DHCP Admin console)? Are you correctly assingin the Domain name Suffix, option (015)?

Yeah there is only one domain in the scope as there should. When I go to do a ipconfig /all it shows the same domain twice in the DNS suffix list. Any other idea would be great.



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