Hello all,

Just wondering if anyone knows of a good company that offers a good data plan for internet acsess. I'd need at least 10gb a month. Unfortunatly Sprint does not exsit in canada anymore =(

Anyone know a company that won't charge me an arm and a leg?


No? Nobody knows anything? DSL is not available it seems so any other suggestions?


I don't know anything about the Internet services of Canada, but this website looks like it may help you?

Thanks BigPaw, but i've tried there and so far, no luck... =(

I love living in the country but i hate paying Bell so much for so little


Do you live in a city or somewhere more remote?

Out in the sticks man, even Bell can't supply dsl.


There are so many plans available in market but depends on money....more money more attractive plans.

that's true but i'll guess i'll have to stick with bell for now... =(

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