I'm new graduated from communication field and I'm interseting in networking ...what I should learn more than I have in this field"networking" also I'm interseting in security and linux ...how could it intergrate with these knoweldges togather

how could it intergrate with these knoweldges togather

Lern them both. "Integrating" them is obvious once you do. I beleive most people into that sort of thing know a great deal of perl and bash.

what I should learn more than I have in this field"networking"

It kind of depends on what you mean by networking, as it's a large field. I mean, you could be the guy who knows how to set a Linux Server, or you could be the guy who is designing a cryptographic protocol for high latency connections.

I'll assume your more the latter.

Use a good book, or online resource on newtwork programming. Check out MIT press, or this page.

Make sure you know and understand how all of the protocals work. Make sure you can intteract with all said protocals. Also, study some modern cryptography. You don't need to go as far as to learn weather or not a PSN is vunerable to differential analisys, however you should know how all of the comopnents of tls function.

really I appreciate all ur said and I'll fallowed and do more..thanks so much

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