My home lab has DSL (from local phone company) and a Netgear Wireless Router. Right now I'm unable to use the wireless capability of this router because I don't know the security key. Does anybody know how I can go about reconfiguring this router so that its either unsecured or secured by a new key?

On most routers there is a reset button that you can hold in for 30 seconds or so. Make sure it's plugged up when you do it though.

if you want to get into the router type in in a web browser. log in as "Admin" and password is "password." you can change the wireless key from there.

i tried but this doesn't work. To make sure, I disabled my firewall and tried it again.

What could I be doing wrong?


Do it throught a wired computer if you're not already. Try or you might just have a bad router.

to find out the aqdress of the router plug your PC into a WIRED port on the router and get connected, then go into network connections under XP, right click on the wired lan card and choose status - go into the support tab and see what the "default gateway" reads - take this ip and type it into IE preceeded by http:\\ - this is the routers configuration interface and from here you should be able to do as described in the earlier posts

]Hi there, just try to log on the routers IP address, get from the botton of router, if not you must reset the router, how, it's esay. First look on the back of the router, to see if theres a small hole, get a paper clip stright trough, introduce the clip, and leave it for a couple of seconds.
that must reset the router. But i preffer the first way, try log on the routers IP Address first then there you can reset the router without harming the processors inside. Remenber when you reset the router from the back its not recommended. Otherwise if not works at all, just open the router and look inside, theres must be a jumper that says reset

Latter Dude.

to find out the aqdress of the router plug your PC into a WIRED port on the router and get connected, then go into network connections under XP, right click on the wired lan card and choose status - go into the support tab and see what the "default gateway" reads - take this ip and type it into IE preceeded by http:\\ - this is the routers configuration interface and from here you should be able to do as described in the earlier posts

Have you tries this yet? Remember, NetGear is weird sometimes. They, for some reason, do not like to go by the standard admin and blank for the access to the control panel. You may need to look at the original box, or google the model number to find the appropriate username/password. Atleast this was the case for our WAP at the office.

Once into the router page ( for me) how do I change the WEP code?

here is how to do it on my one

Thanks, i worked out the problem. There was no Wireless Setting panel in the basic or the advanced page, so I looked up the actual model, and it is simply a router, so no wireless at all. I was confused, because the landlord said it was a wireless, and every time I turn on my computer, I get a message saying Wireless Network Available.
Thanks for your help,

it was probably your neighbors wireless or someting

I am trying to get internet on a new laptop, but do not know the security key. Can anyone help me?

i get so many wireless signal at my flat........ i do not have internet facility.... i want to get connect with ny of those router..... but the problem is it requires the password...... is there any way that i can get password for those netgear router.........


NETGEAR ROUTER. I entered a user name and password but at the time did not make my netgear router secure. Since then I have forgotten both. How do I find out what they are, Tried to reset. Wont allow me.

Many of my customers have the same issue, but the reset buttom ALWAYS works. On some models you have to hold it down for a long time. I have seen some that you have to hold for 1 minutet before it resets to factory settings.

where is the reset button on a netgear router?

how to security code for belkin

you can edit by entering into its edit mode by connecting it with netwoirking physical wire.. by going to its orignal IP address, there you will not need any password to connect.

hello I have the same problem, I habe a NETGAR router and I lost the security code and PIN. How do I restore it? Called them but they said it's more than 90 days (bought it in July) so they can't help. Please advise!!!Thank YOU.. I am not well with computers so pls easy language:)

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