I have DSL, and was told that there is no speed loss when using a router for up to 4 pc connections. This seems to be confirmed when downloading from one site and surfing the net on my laptop, I do not notice any speed changes.

So, on to my question. If I install 2 ethernet cards on my desktop, and run two lines into my pc from the router, will my download speeds double?

Thanks for the help!

no, as they will be two seperate connections. I've never actually tried that, but it wouldn't double your speed.

I have DSL, and was told that there is no speed loss when using a router for up to 4 pc connections. This seems to be confirmed when downloading from one site and surfing the net on my laptop, I do not notice any speed changes.

So, on to my question. If I install 2 ethernet cards on my desktop, and run two lines into my pc from the router, will my download speeds double?

Thanks for the help!

You will still only have one DSL connection, regardless what you connect to it. your download speed is determined by your subscription to the provider

There are, however, firefox extensions that will "double" or even "quadruple" your download speeds.
DownThemAll, is an example.

There are, however, firefox extensions that will "double" or even "quadruple" your download speeds.
DownThemAll, is an example.

So they claim :) While i've never tried them, i'm dubious, since I'm well aware of the speeds which i pay for, and, as far as I can tell, most of my downloads run pretty close to those speeds (They also saturate the connection enough that checking my e-mail takes 4 times longer)

when using downthemall, i've noticed only a slight increase in the speed, however it's a good download manager, better than firefox's default manager.

The only thing you can do to increase you speed is by requesting your ISP <internet Service Provider> to increase your bandwith. as it matters alot, also the kind of browser u are on,like for downloading FIREFOX is better than IE.

The only thing you can do to increase you speed is by requesting your ISP <internet Service Provider> to increase your bandwith. as it matters alot, also the kind of browser u are on,like for downloading FIREFOX is better than IE.

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