Greeting to All Dude's In the Community,

I have Dell computer and use window 7 OS on it. Suddenly from few days I am facing complaints in my computer. While running internet explorer desktop crash out. Can anyone please help me to fix the computer.

Waiting for your valuable responses.

not much detail,please explain a "desktop crash out "

I assume that you mean the computer encouters a fatal error, BSOD? A BSOD can occur when you have a failed hardware component, or if you have installed a bad driver.

If its software related, you can fix the BSOD by either booting into the Last Known Good Configuration, or perform a system restore to a point in time before the software install.

Both options can be access by booting to the F8 menu, prior to the OS loading.

i been here since 2003 and have tried to stop making assumpptions a long time ago as about 55%-75% of OP never comeback

Dude what type of complaints you’re facing, be more specific. To fix my computer I contacted dell people. They helped me out.

Dude what type of complaints you’re facing, be more specific. To fix my computer I contacted dell people. They helped me out.

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